The first “2-year-old child with severe illness” was seen in Taiwan, and the doctor reminded: the proportion of moderate and severe cases will continue to increase

Source: Taiwan

The local epidemic situation in Taiwan is tense. On the 16th, 1,199 local cases were added. Although there were 10 fewer cases compared to the previous day, Taiwanese doctor Shen Zhengnan pointed out that this was not the case. It means the epidemic is slowing down. Because if calculated by the date of onset, the new increase is actually a significant increase, and a new inflection point has appeared on the curve. In addition, 9 new cases of moderate illness and 1 severe case were updated on the 16th, of which the severe case was the first severe case of a child in Taiwan, a 2-year-old boy. This news caused heated discussions, and a large number of netizens believed that the increase in the proportion of moderate to severe cases was worrying, and many people even called “scared”.

Taiwan’s “Epidemic Epidemic Command Center” announced on the 16th that 1,199 new local cases were added, and 10 cases of moderate and severe cases were also added in one go. is a 2 year old boy. Luo Yijun, deputy head of the “command center” medical response team, said that the severely ill boy was diagnosed on the 14th. He had no vaccinations, no history of chronic diseases, acute encephalitis and multiple organ abnormalities, and was on a respirator and steroids in the intensive care unit. , immunomodulators and other treatments. At present, the boy’s condition is serious, and the hospital is making every effort to treat him, and his parents have signed a consent form to give up first aid.

This news sparked heated discussions on well-known online forums in Taiwan, with netizens saying: “For two days, the severe cases were +10, including children under the age of 5 who were admitted to the intensive care unit. “I and my family”, “Is it unstable when the number of moderate and severe cases begins to increase”, “I have a child diagnosed in the intensive care unit, and I am starting to be afraid”, “The moderate and severe cases are starting to appear, which scares people to death”, “It’s really true today. They are all 10 to 30 years old, they are still in severe disease after three doses, and they have no chronic diseases.”

Taiwanese physician Chen Zhengnan said that when the local epidemic began to heat up at the end of March, the Rt value (effective reproduction number, when a population with resistance appeared in the group, observed the ability of the virus to spread to people within a certain period of time, if it was low Below 1, it means that the epidemic has begun to improve) is about 4, and then drops to 2. With the decline of the flow of people, it drops to about 1.7, but the new increase has accelerated in the past few days, the curve has begun to rebound, and the Rt value has returned to above 2.

Shen Zhengnan said that this data means that Taiwan has lost the first opportunity to contain the epidemic, and the peak of the epidemic will not stop at the spectrum of hundreds to 1,000, because the increase is too fast, and the original containment The measures have been unable to cope, allowing more black numbers to penetrate into the community. He said that no one knows how high the Rt value will rise, but what is certain is that the situation is increasingly favorable for the spread of the virus.

Shen Zhengnan reminded that Keelung and Taoyuan still have the opportunity to contain them, not only for their own epidemics, but also to prevent the virus from spreading to the central and southern regions. The central and southern regions need to work harder. They cannot ignore their footprints and call for home care.

Shen Zhengnan pointed out that Hualien still has a chance to contain it, because the reason for the outbreak in Hualien is not that there are too many foreign inflows, but that the internal gathering is too complicated and has not been dealt with. Epidemic.

Shen Zhengnan also criticized the statement that “the more people infected, the better.” He pointed out that the current proportion of moderate and severe cases in Taiwan has risen from 3/1,000 to 5/1,000. , the middle-aged and elderly groups with less social interaction will be affected. After the outbreak of the Omicron epidemic in many overseas countries and regions, about 2% of the patients were moderately or severely ill. If the number of infected people increases greatly, the multiplication is definitely not a small number. He also cited a 2-year-old child with severe illness as an example, saying that such cases will only emerge one after another in the future. (Source: Straits Herald)