The “fecal pusher” of the intestines, bananas are not among them, insist on eating every day to help you relieve constipation problems


“Xiao Wei, why do I see you eating bananas lately? Are bananas so delicious?”

“I…I don’t want to either, it’s not because of the recent one!”

“Aunt Auntie?”

“I’m constipated It’s been almost a month!”

Many people have encountered constipation in their lives. Research shows that: China is now suffering from chronic constipation The proportion ranges from 3% to 17.6%, and the probability of constipation increases with age. ##################################################################### Does the treatment and improvement of constipation really have the effect we imagine?

If these things happen to the body, it means that we are already constipated

In recent decades, the research on chronic constipation in my country has made great progress. >Introduced the standard of Rome III.

Definition: Chronic functional constipation requires the exclusion of constipation caused by the intestinal itself and systemic organic causes and other factors, and meets the following criteria:

Two or more of the following symptoms persisted or accumulated for at least 12 weeks in the past 12 months.

(1)>1/4 time defecation is laborious;

(2)>1/4 time the stool is lumpy or hard;

(3)>1/4 time defecation All feeling;

(4)> 1/4 time anorectal obstruction during defecation;

(5)> 1/4 of the time requires hand assistance during defecation;

(6) Fewer than 3 bowel movements per week.

Constipation, I like these 4 types of people the most

Constipation is a serious problem in people’s lives, especially four types of people are most prone to constipation.

1. Hot Secret: People who eat meat and smoke often

Dryness and heat in the stomach and intestines, and depletion of body fluids will lead to loss of conduction in the large intestine, dry stools, and constipation.

People with hot secrets are more alcoholic and like spicy food, or they often eat meat and smoke.

2. Breathlessness: excessive anxiety, inactivity

Qi constipation is the stagnation of Qi and the imbalance of circulation and descending. At this time, feces are stagnant and unable to descend and eventually lead to constipation.

People with qi secret often have excessive anxiety, poor mood, and are often sedentary, such as white-collar workers in sedentary offices Easily gassed.

3. Cold Secret: Aging and Deterioration

When the yang qi in the body is deficient and weakened and the yin cold is endogenous, the yang qi will be blocked, resulting in constipation symptoms due to weak intestinal transmission and difficult stool. Usually cold secrets are more common in the elderly and those with chronic illness, and are also accompanied by symptoms such as bowel rumbling and abdominal pain.

4. False Secret: Tired

Deficiency can be divided into constipation due to deficiency of qi, constipation due to deficiency of blood and constipation due to deficiency of both qi and blood.

People with virtual secrets are often tired and weak. There is a direct relationship between the two losses of qi and blood.

Because qi deficiency often leads to weak conduction in the large intestine, and blood deficiency and body fluid cannot moisten the large intestine, the stool is hard and difficult to discharge.

Is it effective to eat bananas for constipation?

The doctor said: When constipated, eating bananas has no obvious effect. If you eat it incorrectly, it will worsen Constipation.

In order to have a smooth bowel movement, you should eat more foods rich in dietary fiber. Although bananas contain fiber, they are also rich in fiber pectin. , has a positive effect on promoting gastrointestinal motility, but the effect is not significantly weak.

If you eat a ripe banana, it may have a certain effect of promoting bowel movements However, if you eat bananas that are not fully ripe, or are ripened by chemical agents, these bananas contain more tannic acid, which will not only have no effect on constipation, but will aggravate symptoms.

Constipation is common among modern people, mainly caused by eating too much refined grains. If you want to relieve constipation, you should eat more foods rich in dietary fiber. Foods with higher fiber content are more constipation terminators. Eating them can effectively promote defecation and get rid of constipation as soon as possible.

Intestinal “fecal pusher”, eat it every day to help you relieve constipation


Ume is a lot in life A fruit that people like to eat, sweet and sour, juicy. The dietary fiber content of ebony is also very rich. Every 100 grams of ebony contains more than 30 grams of dietary fiber. Eating a few a day can play a role in moistening the intestines and laxatives.

The Spring Festival is windy and dry, and many people suffer from dry mouth and tongue. Black plum has the effect of producing body fluid and quenching thirst. Eat it every day. Three to five tablets can effectively relieve the problem of dry mouth.


When Constipation When the problem gets worse, it’s best not to eat too much greasy food, as greasy foods can aggravate constipation.

Constipation patients are suitable for eating oatmeal, because oatmeal has the effect of improving constipation. If you feel that the taste of oatmeal is relatively simple, you can add some nuts, Pair with fruit or vegetable juices.


< span>If you want to get rid of constipation as soon as possible, you can insist on drinking a glass of honey water every morning, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, improve gastric motility, open up the appetite for the day, and improve the digestive ability of the gastrointestinal tract.

Honey has the function of lubricating the intestines, softening dry stools, and can relieve the discomfort caused by constipation and hemorrhoids. Drinking honey water has the effect of nourishing the skin, beautifying and anti-aging.


Poria is The highest dietary fiber content of all foods, 100 grams of Poria contains 80.9 grams of dietary fiber, which can be said to be almost all dietary fiber.

People who are troubled by constipation, insist on drinking Poria cocos in water every day, or grind Poria into powder to eat, it can play a good role. Laxative effect.

But it should be noted that Poria has a diuretic effect. Every time you eat Poria or drink Poria in water, you should not drink too much. Control the amount well, otherwise it is easy to cause polyuria.

[white radish]

White radish not only contains a lot of water, but also a lot of cellulose, which can effectively promote gastrointestinal motility.

White radish contains a lot of plant enzymes, which can help digest food, and also have the effect of clearing urine, which can excrete garbage and toxins from the body as soon as possible, which is very beneficial to relieve constipation symptom.

The laxative effect is good if you drink it directly with white radish in soup, or drink it with juice.

What does the color of poop mean?

1. The color of stool can reflect the functional status of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract, whether there is inflammation in the mucosa, whether there is space-occupying lesions, and so on.

2. The color of the stool also reflects whether the patient’s liver, gallbladder and pancreas have space-occupying lesions? Or inflammatory lesions and so on.

3. If the color of the stool is black like tarry stool, it indicates that the patient has gastrointestinal bleeding, and it is necessary to further improve the gastrointestinal endoscopy to understand the cause cause of bleeding.

4. If the stool color is a kind of clay-like clay, this situation is mostly caused by the blockage of the liver and gallbladder, resulting in poor bile discharge. , to further confirm that a CT or MRI of the upper abdomen can be done.

Learn more! If the child has accumulated food and constipation for a long time, this acupoint can be solved at one time

Improper feeding, the child’s spleen and stomach are prone to problems. I have introduced some acupoints for regulating the spleen and stomach problems before, and today I will introduce another abdominal acupuncture point – Zhongwan acupoint!

Zhongwan is one of the important acupoints for regulating the spleen and stomach. , people with weak spleen and stomach can also use it to strengthen the spleen and stomach

Zhongwan point

[Location]: 4 cun above the umbilicus, at the midpoint of the line connecting the xiphoid process from the lower end of the sternum to the umbilicus.

[Operation]: Press and knead with the base of the palm or the ends of the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger, called Zhongwan; rub with the palm or four fingers , called Mo Zhongwan; from the Zhongwan up straight to the throat or from the throat down to the Zhongwan, called Tuizhongwan.

[Functions]: Strengthen the spleen and stomach, digest food and neutralize, resolve stagnation.

  • Kneading and rubbing Zhongwan can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and can be used for diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, Inappetence and other symptoms, it is often used in combination with massage and rubbing Zusanli and pushing the spleen meridian.
  • Pushing the epigastric cavity from top to bottom is mainly used to treat stomach-qi upward inversion, belching and nausea.
