The father was severely burned, and the woman “cut the scalp to save the father”! She said it was only natural to save her father

This is a touching story that happened in a hospital in Zhoushan.

After shaved off a hair, Ms. Wang was pushed into the operating room, and doctors wanted to remove her entire scalp to save a patient with extremely severe burns all over her body. The critically ill patient is Ms. Wang’s 64-year-old father, Uncle Wang.

Ms. Wang’s surgery was at 9:00 am on June 7th An hour later, the operation was completed and Ms. Wang was sent back to the ward. Because of the pain, Ms. Wang couldn’t help shedding tears.

The skin grafting is performed immediately after the skin harvesting is completed. The operation took up to 6 hours. Hours News reporter learned from the Naval Hospital of the Eastern Theater Command that this is the first case of a mixed transplant of skin donated from an immediate family member and an allogeneic skin in Zhoushan City. The doctor said that not only the scalp of Uncle Wang’s daughter was used in the operation, but also the unburned part of the skin on Uncle Wang’s own belly.

On May 30th, Uncle Wang was in Dongsha Town, Daishan County. An enterprise was unfortunately burnt while working in the workshop. Not only was the clothes burned, but the burn area of ​​the whole body reached 85%, and the rear trunk, both lower limbs and both upper limbs were burned to the third degree. According to clinician Dai Xin, Uncle Wang suffered from extremely severe burns. He has been treated in the intensive care unit since he was admitted to the hospital. At present, his vital signs are stable and his consciousness is clear, but he cannot speak and can only blink. “We haven’t told him about our daughter’s skin grafting for him, so as not to affect his emotions,” said Dr. Dai.

On the other hand, Uncle Wang’s daughter, Ms. Wang, has been concerned about father’s illness. With her head all wrapped up, she was working on a notebook in the ward. When an hourly reporter contacted Ms. Wang to interview Ms. Wang, she said that her father had not left the intensive care unit and did not want to accept too many interviews. “When something like this happens, I think any child will stand up without hesitation.” Ms. Wang said that after the incident, too many friends and colleagues called to care about her. She was very moved and thanked everyone for their concern. No problem, you can leave the hospital in a few days.

Ms. Wang was born in Zhoushan, went to school in Hangzhou and worked in Ningbo. She has always stressed that what she did for her father was right and proper.

Dr. Dai Xin said that the scalp is a gift given to us by the human body and can be reused. Ms. Wang’s scalp can grow well after a week, and it will not affect the growth of the scalp, including the later hair growth, and will not leave scars. Ms. Wang will soon be discharged from the hospital.

What is the prognosis of Uncle Wang’s condition? According to Dr. Dai Xin, Uncle Wang’s skin grafting was mainly used on both lower limbs. His scalp was also burned, but after treatment, it would grow back in a few days. At that time, some scalps would be transplanted to the back torso.

“It takes at least one month for patients to survive the critical period, and the entire treatment costs millions.” Dr. Dai said.

Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News reporter Tang Xufeng Correspondent Zhang Bowen Image source Zhoushan Radio and Television