The Fangcang shelter hospital built in Langfang City can be activated at any time, and 17 cases have been cured and discharged in the city

The Fangcang shelter hospital built in Langfang City can be opened at any time

2 more cases were discharged on March 16, and a total of 17 cases have been cured and discharged

The picture shows the conference site.

Hebei News Network, March 17 (Hebei Daily reporter Sun Zhanwen) This afternoon, the Langfang Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Zhang Chunyan, deputy head of the Langfang New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Leading Group and deputy mayor of the municipal government, introduced that in order to reserve the city’s medical treatment resources, Langfang has started the construction of a makeshift hospital for the centralized isolation and management of mildly ill people, with 1,120 beds. , has reached the medical conditions and service guarantees that can be activated at any time. On March 16, two more patients were cured and discharged.

From 0:00 to 24:00 on March 16, 181 new positive cases were reported in Langfang City, including 12 confirmed cases, including 10 in Anci District, 1 in Bazhou, and 1 in Guangyang District. 169 cases of asymptomatic infections, mainly in Anci District. The vital signs of the people admitted to the designated hospitals in the city are stable. At the same time, in order to reserve the city’s medical treatment resources, Langfang City has started the construction of a makeshift hospital for the centralized isolation and management of mildly ill people, with 1,120 designed beds, which have reached the medical conditions and service guarantees that can be activated at any time.

We will go all out to carry out the treatment. Under the careful guidance of the provincial hospital infection prevention and control experts, Langfang City implemented the whole-process closed-loop management, strictly controlled key links such as special personnel transportation, nucleic acid testing, medical treatment, garbage disposal, disinfection and disinfection, and resolutely avoided the occurrence of hospital infection and cross-infection. On March 16, 2 new cases were discharged, and a total of 17 cases have been cured and discharged so far.

In terms of traditional Chinese medicine treatment and prevention, Langfang City insists on paying equal attention to traditional Chinese and Western medicine, integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine, strengthening preventive treatment, implementing traditional Chinese medicine first, and adopting “one person, one side” for patients admitted to the hospital, and individualized and precise treatment. At the same time, according to the latest “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Ninth Edition)” issued by the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the treatment and prevention program of traditional Chinese medicine was further adjusted.

Standardly carry out isolation control. Langfang City has fully implemented the health monitoring of quarantined personnel, and reasonably guaranteed preventive medication during the quarantine period. A work ledger has been established, and health checks are carried out in the morning and evening, including measuring body temperature, asking about health status, etc., and recording the detection results, and asking doctors for diagnosis and treatment in time. In addition, 10 provincial-level infection control experts who supported the city went to each county (city, district) for tour guidance in 5 groups to resolutely prevent cross-infection at isolation points.

Quickly carry out flow investigation and investigation. Langfang City has further strengthened the tracing of the source of the epidemic, intensified the investigation, expanded the scope of the epidemic, and effectively blocked the transmission channel of the epidemic. Make full use of big data and other informatization methods to find out the bottom line, understand trends, and efficiently investigate and screen to block the chain of transmission. Strengthen regional prevention and control linkages, adhere to integrated command, implement real-time sharing of epidemic information, and jointly carry out epidemic research and assessment and risk assessment, and effectively form a cross-regional linkage and cooperation prevention and control system. At present, the identified close contacts have been quarantined and controlled as required, and various tasks such as nucleic acid detection and disinfection and sterilization have been carried out simultaneously.

Zhang Chunyan said that the prevention and control of the epidemic is related to thousands of households, and it is necessary to work together to prevent and control the epidemic. The understanding, support and cooperation of the general public is very important. She reminded the majority of residents to strictly abide by and implement the prevention and control measures, especially those at home should do a good job of personal health management, have a regular life, and follow the unified epidemic prevention instructions of the community and village. Let’s help each other and work together to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control as soon as possible.