The extended version of dog days is coming, beware of heat stroke in hot weather

[Source: Huitong News Network]

Hutong News Network July 19th (Reporter Mao Yu, Intern Ding Xinyu, Correspondent Chen Xuehua)As the saying goes< span>“The heat is in the dog days”, it is understood that the dog days lasted for 40 days this year, and our county also opened the “steaming and roasting” mode. In the past few days, many people have been diagnosed with heat stroke in many parts of the country. What is heat stroke? What are the common symptoms of heat stroke? What should I do if I have suspected symptoms? The reporter interviewed relevant experts from the County People’s Hospital on these issues of public concern.
“Heat stroke is a type of heat stroke.” Lin Zexi, director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, County People’s Hospital told Reporter, according to the severity of the disease, heat stroke is divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, of which heat stroke is the most serious type of heat stroke with the highest mortality rate. An increase in core temperature, usually greater than 40°C, due to an imbalance in the body’s thermoregulation caused by exposure to heat or strenuous exercise is associated with skin burning, disturbances of consciousness (eg, delirium, convulsions, coma), and multiple organ dysfunction and other characteristics.
According to the different causes and susceptible groups, heat stroke can be divided into exertional heat stroke and non-exertional heat stroke. It is caused by the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation of the body after strenuous exercise or physical labor. Non-exertional heat stroke is mainly caused by high temperature or high humidity environmental factors. Due to the recent hot weather and high air humidity, in addition to high temperature workers, the elderly, children, pregnant women, the infirm and citizens living in poor ventilation should also pay more attention.

Experts remind everyone that rapid cooling is the most critical measure for heatstroke treatment, especially for heat stroke patients. Once a similar situation is found, the patient can be quickly moved to a ventilated and shaded place, undressed, and cooled with an electric fan or air conditioner. If there is no collapse, you can wipe the skin with cold water or ice water to cool down, you can also drink more water to help the body cool down, and at the same time add some salt appropriately. If it develops into heat stroke, it needs to be sent to a doctor in time to ensure effective cooling.

Responsible Editor/Zhen Xufei

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