The epidemic rebounds, what do you need to stock up? Share my hoarding list

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The new crown epidemic has suddenly appeared in several cities recently, and everyone is full of uncertainty about the approaching Spring Festival, especially whether to stock up on living materials, what to stock up, and how to stock up.

As a nutritionist, I have put together a list for your reference.

Hello everyone, I’m Gu Zhongyi, a nutritionist. It’s coming to New Year’s Day, but there has been an epidemic in some areas recently.

I have a fan in Xi’an, who is also a pregnant woman. She was very nervous when she first learned about the outbreak. Two days ago, she said that fortunately, she had stocked up a lot of rice, noodles and even oranges at home. , but a series of events later caused her to be in no mood to eat, and watched the oranges dry up a little…

I am relatively timid and have a sense of crisis. A few years ago, our family always kept all kinds of necessary living materials, just to deal with temporary materials that may appear in an emergency. insufficient.

So, I think everyone stocking up a little now is better than rushing to buy it after an emergency.

I’ve put together a list for you to consider if you want to stock up ahead of time.

01 To ensure basic food and clothing, what should I buy?

Food to ensure basic subsistence

Rice Flour

First of all, some basic foods, such as rice, noodles and oil, can be prepared more.

Generally speaking, the shelf life of commercially available rice noodles is about 12 months, and it may be a year and a half for oil, so you can stock up on it.

However, as for oil, I personally encourage buying more small bottles. After all, oil is easily oxidized, so it should be Guaranteed within two months. As long as it is not opened, you can store it in a ventilated, cool and dry place.

Self-heating rice

If you’re someone who can’t cook at all, you can stock up on convenience foods like self-heating rice.

It has a longer shelf life, is kept at room temperature, and tastes good, at least it won’t leave you hungry.

vitamin supplements

In addition, as a nutritionist, I personally recommend that everyone buy some complex vitamin and mineral supplements.

When your daily long-term unbalanced diet or unexpected situations cannot guarantee a balanced intake of nutrients, it can help you avoid vitamin deficiencies. Generally speaking, it is worth buying


02 How to buy more abundant ingredients?

Storing food in advance is not only to meet the basic needs of food and clothing, but under the premise of conditions, I believe that everyone still wants to maintain the quality of life.

Eat this food to a large extent Frugality is up to people, and if there is an emergency, what to eat depends on your materials there Availability.

I’m just here to give you some popular science, how to store food to eat healthy and nutritious.

Don’t buy too tasty

One ​​of my experiences is to buy some unpalatable things appropriately, otherwise it will be full of delicious snacks, and it is very likely that you will eat them up in a few days. …

For example, butter biscuits are carbs, fat, high in calories, and have a long shelf life. They seem to be suitable for stockpiling. But the downside is that they are so delicious!

I’ve bought a lot of buckets before, but they were all eaten up very quickly…and I gained a pound by the way.

So, what are the best things to buy from a health standpoint?

Guaranteed source of protein

Protein is very important, I believe everyone can understand that it is appropriate to buy some frozen meat and lunch meat.

However, please note:

Luncheon meat

Pay attention to the luncheon meatchoose the one with a little less salt, whichever you think is better.

Frozen meat

Buy some frozen meat rolls or something. It’s very convenient to eat a hot pot at home, but it takes up a lot of space. In special times, it is recommended that you switch to steak and the like, which will be better.


Eggs don’t have a long shelf life, but they are an important source of protein.

My personal suggestion is to add more eggs in time if there is an outbreak around you.

If economic conditions permit, you can buy clean eggs, in addition to a longer shelf life, it is not easy to contaminate other foods in the refrigerator.

How long does it last

After buying these meat or protein foods, everyone should have a count of how long they can be stored.

I made a chart, you can save it, refer to this schedule, time label food yourself, avoid because < strong>Eating expired and spoiled food affects health.

If you have spare space in your home, you can also consider buying a freezer and stock up on your own.


The shelf life of vegetables is relatively short, because the vegetables will still have respiration after being picked, and many nutrients will be lost.

Therefore, Leafy greens are usually best eaten within 3 days.

Shelf life varies

beans, eggplants, tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, etc., it’s fine to store for 4-5 days.

Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, radishes, cabbage, onions will keep longer. These are suitable if you are stocking up on vegetables.

For the specific storage time of some common vegetables, you can refer to the two charts below.

Extended save

The interior of regular refrigerators tends to be dry, so if you want to store more leafy vegetables, you can wrap them in a layer of kitchen paper and then put a plastic bag Or put it in a sealed bag in the refrigerator, which can maintain proper humidity and is not easy to break.

You can also check whether your refrigerator has a special partition function. If there is a special vegetable preservation area, store it in This area also prolongs freshness.

Frozen vegetables

There are many quick-frozen vegetables on the market, such as European mixed vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, shepherd’s purse stuffing, etc. These are all good.

Just simple cooking can meet the needs of dietary fiber and vitamins.

Dehydrated vegetables

There are also some dehydrated vegetables on the market, which loss of nutrients must be much more than frozen ones.

However, if it is freeze-dried, the loss of nutrients is not too much.


After vegetables, talk about fruits.

Apple, citrus this kind of storage is longer, you can buy more. Some other perishable fruits are not suitable for hoarding.


Don’t forget to buy all kinds of seasonings, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, etc., and see if you have enough stock at home.


All kinds of bibimbap sauces, etc., stock up on a few more bottles, and you can eat them every day.

However, as a nutritionist, I still want to remind everyone to pay attention to controlling salt intake. In theory, if home isolation and less exercise, eat 1000mg a day of sodium (about 2.5 grams of salt) is sufficient.


Other snacks, mainly depends on your needs.

You can buy more fruits, melon seeds and nuts, and even prepare some vacuum-packed eggs, beef jerky, etc.

Drinking water

Remember to buy some bottled water, and depending on the size of the family, you can buy some big packs.

If your home is a reverse osmosis water purifier, check in advance whether the filter element should be replaced.

03 What medical supplies should the family keep?

If it is really isolated due to the epidemic, it will definitely not be as convenient to seek medical treatment as before. It is recommended that you should prepare some medical supplies for common diseases or problems at home.


During this pandemic, masks that protect us are obviously very important.

I think it is best to prepare enough masks of N95, KN95 level at home. When you need to go to the hospital, take the bus, etc. with a higher risk of These are still mainly worn in places.

If you are just normal work, not a high-risk occupation, wearing a normal medical surgical mask is sufficient.


In addition, prepare some high-concentration alcohol, at least 60 degrees, preferably above 75 degrees, which can be used to disinfect and wipe items.

Reminder: Disinfecting and wiping items, an appropriate amount is enough, especially when spraying alcohol indoors, be careful not to overuse it, when using and for a period of time after use Avoid open flames, prevent fires.

Other commonly used medical devices and drugs

Such as electronic thermometers, ear thermometers, allergy-relieving calamine lotion, anti-allergic medicines, etc., don’t forget to prepare them at home.

Pain medication

We must have some antipyretic and analgesic drugs at home, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

Medications for wound management

Iodophors, cotton swabs, Band-Aids, gauze, etc., should be used to disinfect and bandage some small bumps.

Rehydration salts

Be careful to prepare some oral rehydration salts, which are often used in case of diarrhea.

Eye drops

Those with dry eyes should buy artificial tears in advance. If you are taking medication for eye diseases, pay attention to see if the medication is enough.

In addition, note that there are some eye drops, which should be stored in the refrigerator after opening.


This is a prescription drug, and it should be prescribed by a doctor. Generally, it is not recommended for everyone to use it on their own.

But if you are using, in order to cope with possible emergencies or when you may have to go out, you must prepare a sufficient amount of medicine for the course of treatment, try your best to Avoid stopping or changing the medicine in the middle to avoid increasing the risk of bacterial resistance.

Medications for chronic diseases

If you have some chronic diseases that require long-term medication, pay attention to preparing enough doses, for example, some commonly used blood pressure lowering Medicines, allergy medicines, etc.

Have medical records ready

Organize some previous medical information at home in advance, so that if you go to the hospital or need a remote consultation, you can communicate with the doctor in a timely and effective manner. communication.

Besides yourself, remember to help your family members keep an eye on their health.

04 What to buy for daily necessities?

Others are daily necessities, which are inconspicuous in daily life. Once they are missing, it will greatly affect the quality of life, so everyone should pay attention.

Sanitary napkins

For most women, sanitary napkins are a very important daily necessities, so it is better to have more sanitary napkins, tampons, etc.

From the experience of some netizens in Xi’an, after the quarantine, some dishes can be ordered in the community group, but some daily necessities are very scarce, and there is no channel to buy them.

Daily Products

Such as laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, as well as toilet paper, paper towels, etc. If you are running out of supplies at home, you can also stock up.

Baby Products

If you have a baby at home, don’t forget all kinds of milk powder, diapers, diaper pads, wet wipes, lotion, diaper cream, etc.

Pet Supplies

What to stock up depends on whether you keep cats or fish…

If it is a cat, check the cat litter, cat food, dressing, cleaning filter, etc. in the house in advance to ensure sufficient stock.

The above is the list of household supplies I have compiled. Hope you all have a good year.