The elderly at home with biliary tract obstruction are dying

Caption: The Department of Gastroenterology of the Third Hospital of Haiyi Medical University provided a photo for the patient who was interviewed by Grandma Zhou (the same below)< /span>

Xinmin Evening News (Reporter Gaoyang Correspondent Cao Xi) Recently, the family of Grandma Zhou, who lives in Fengxian, reported to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Shanghai Oriental Hepatobiliary Surgery) Hospital) Gastroenterology emergency call for help. An 80-year-old man had undergone endoscopic biliary stent treatment in March this year due to pancreatic tumor. In the past week, the old man suffered from chills, high fever, vomiting, and jaundice. He has been unable to eat normally for many days. The hospital infusion treatment was ineffective, and the condition became more serious.

Professor Hu Bing, director of the Department of Gastroenterology, after inquiring about the patient’s condition in detail, believes that the patient’s condition is serious and requires immediate hospitalization, and immediately decides to urgently take the patient in a separate ward set up by the department for sealing Observe treatment. The head nurse of the ward, Shi Zhimei, led the nurses on duty to quickly prepare a buffer ward for the patients, and made preparations for ECG monitoring and anti-inflammatory support.

After Grandma Zhou arrived at the hospital, she was very weak and her body temperature was 38.6°C on the day of admission. Laboratory tests found that the infectious index was significantly increased, and the jaundice index (total bilirubin) was already high 6 times the normal value, electrolytes, liver function and coagulation indexes have decreased to varying degrees, and the risk of septic shock may occur at any time. It is necessary to relieve biliary obstruction as soon as possible, control infection, and relieve jaundice.

Combined with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, considering that Grandma Zhou’s condition is urgent, the Department of Gastroenterology has opened a green channel and decided to implement emergency endoscopic ERCP surgery. The hospital coordinates and cooperates closely with multiple disciplines. The medical staff in the operation have taken standardized protective measures, and the places used are strictly sterilized.

On the morning of the next day after admission, after careful preparation, the emergency ERCP operation was carried out as scheduled, with Director Hu Bing as the chief surgeon, Dr. Wang Tiantian as assistant, and head nurse Wang Shuping. During the operation, it was found that a large amount of tumor tissue had grown in the originally placed biliary stent, which completely blocked the bile duct. More than 100 ml of purulent bile was randomly checked in the bile duct, which confirmed the existence of severe biliary obstruction and infection.

In order to eliminate the blockage of tumor tissue in the stent cavity, Hu Bing decided to use radiofrequency ablation for tumor ablation treatment, and then place a nasobiliary drainage tube to strengthen biliary decompression and drainage. . With the skilled cooperation of the medical staff, the operation was successfully completed in only 25 minutes. The patient’s vital signs were stable throughout the process, and there was no obvious discomfort during and after the operation.

Description: After the operation, Grandma Zhou recovered well< /em>

On the second day after the operation, the patient’s mental state and various laboratory indicators were significantly improved, no fever occurred, and he had begun to eat and get out of bed, and the liver function indicators were also improved. Significant improvement. The reporter learned that on the morning of the 24th, the department arranged an endoscopy for the elderly again, and found that the biliary tract was completely unblocked, so the drainage tube was removed, and the patient could soon be discharged from the hospital for recuperation.