The doctor tells you what are the three major causes of myocardial infarction, and early treatment can save lives

Speaking of HPV

Many people will only think of cervical cancer and condyloma acuminatum

Some people think more about

the distance between themselves and HPV infection< /p>

Farther than satellite

HPV infection is actually very common

such as palm, sole or other

Suddenly appearing hard bumps

probably warts

< p>Commonly known as hóu son

This is a benign growth on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane

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Common warts can occur anywhere on the body

mostly on the hands

< p>For example, fingers and palms

trauma or long-term immersion in water are common triggers

usually 3-5 years Will fade

Usually on foot pressure points

Especially Middle metatarsal area

May also appear in other parts

It usually takes 2-3 years to fall off

It is associated with corns, feet The difference between ringworm and herpes is that

plantar warts are slightly sunken in the middle keratotic papules

rough surface

also Some black spots can be seen

Mainly seen in teenagers

Often occurs on face, back of hands and forearms

These warts are contagious

often can multiply from one to dozens of

Severely affecting the appearance of the skin

2/3 of the patients can resolve spontaneously within 2 years

The difference between it and acne is that

flat warts cannot squeeze out the pus< /p>

And different from acne redness

mostly normal skin tone

This requires us to understand it

HPV virus

There are hundreds of HPV types

mainly divided into high-risk and low-risk types

Low-risk HPV

The most common types are 3, 10, 28, 41


Can cause the above-mentioned skin or mucous membrane warts

Types 6 and 11

Can cause condyloma acuminatum

They are not carcinogenic Risk

Only with high-risk HPV persistent infection

e.g. 16, 18

Can cause cancer

These extra meat bumps

It hurts my eyes every day< /p>

So some people couldn’t help it

and wanted to cut it out

But not only is it difficult to cut completely Wart off

The wound is also at risk of infection

Not all warts require treatment

They usually Self-healing within 3-5 years

Only when the number of warts is excessive

with marked enlargement, pain and itching strong>

Only need to go to the hospital for dermatology treatment

Current treatments to destroy warts


Regulation of local skin growth< /p>

·Stimulates local or systemic skin reactions


Can be divided into:

< p>It includes cryotherapy, electrocautery,

laser, microwave, local hyperthermia

among which

cryotherapy is commonly used Method

The use of liquid nitrogen to make the wart necrotic and fall off

As you can see from the picture

The procedure is painful

so not suitable for younger patients

patients who want to avoid pain

Optional medication

flat warts

general topical retinoids

Combined with salicylic acid and interferon treatment

Before the topical ointment treatment

It is best to soak the wart in warm water for a few minutes

Use a file Rub off top layer of softened skin

Let skin dry before applying

Common and plantar warts

Mainly used

injection of pingyangmycin and vitamin D3 therapy

and finally surgery

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However, surgery can only remove the wart

Cannot eliminate the virus

It is easy to recur after surgery

It is not recommended

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Since it is caused by HPV


hit HPV Vaccines

do not have the desired preventive effect

Three types of warts in the text

Not covered by vaccines

Daily prevention

mainly Avoid contact with viruses and prevent the spread of viruses.

Protection when doing manual labor

Avoid skin damage< /p>

Avoid sharing with others

towels, bath towels, shaving Knives, slippers, etc.

Change shoes and socks every day

Choose sweat-absorbing, breathable footwear

Wash your feet daily

Avoid going barefoot


Walking around on wet surfaces in swimming pools and baths

Do not touch directly< /p>

self or others’ warts

References:< /strong>

[1]Wang Lianxiang. Why are there more “warps” on the skin? [J]. Healthy Home, 2019(04): 78.

[2] Lu Yan, Li Jieqing. Research progress of liquid nitrogen cryotherapy for skin warts [J]. International Medical and Health Herald, 2020, 26(16):2486-2489.

[3]Can flat warts cause cervical cancer?[J].Family Medicine.Medical Selection, 2021(06):55.

[4] Li Zheng, Xu Honghui, Tian Qiu. Clinical analysis of external washing of traditional Chinese medicine combined with liquid nitrogen freezing in the treatment of verruca vulgaris[J]. Chinese Medicine and Clinical, 2021, 21(06): 974-976.

[5] Chen Xueyan. 35 cases of multiple plantar warts treated with Quwu Wai Xi Fang[J]. Journal of External Treatment of Chinese Medicine, 2021, 30(06): 40-41.