The doctor reminds: men after the age of 45, do not want less and less “androgens”, these 5 things should be eaten less

We all know that aging is inevitable. As we grow older, various organs in the body will begin to age and decline, and hormone secretion will become less and less. This is an indisputable fact.

However, the decrease in hormones is due to natural laws on the one hand, and external factors on the other hand.

For men, the most important thing is androgens. With the advent of aging, the secretion of androgens will gradually decrease, which may lead to osteoporosis, decreased kidney function, and affect the life of husband and wife. . And many men have bad habits such as smoking, drinking, eating improperly, staying up late, sitting for a long time, etc., which will reduce the secretion of androgen.

So male friends want to maintain a stable hormone level in the body, they must make adjustments in time, and pay attention to eating less of these 5 kinds of food in life to avoid further reduction of androgen.

The doctor reminds: men after the age of 45 should eat less of these 5 kinds of foods, so as to avoid less and less androgen

1. Fried food

Fried food contains a lot of fat and is very high in calories. If you often eat fried food, it will lead to the imbalance of fat regulation in the body, causing obesity, but also increasing the burden of gastrointestinal digestion, resulting in excessive calorie intake, affecting the normal secretion of hormones, and reducing the secretion of androgen.

2. Tofu

Tofu has a tender and smooth taste and various cooking methods, and is loved by everyone. However, tofu contains soy isoflavones similar to estrogen, which is very suitable for female friends to eat more, but not suitable for male friends to eat more.

If male friends eat too much, it will affect the hormone balance in the body, increase the secretion of estrogen, and reduce the secretion of androgen, which will affect the vitality of the tadpoles and greatly reduce the masculinity.

3. Kale

Kaise is a vegetable with both medicinal and edible uses. High content, rich in vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, cellulose and other nutrients, can resolve phlegm and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify.

However, its side effects are also obvious. Regular consumption will affect the true qi in the body and inhibit the secretion of androgen, so male friends should eat less.

4. Coke

Coke is called “Fat House Happy Water”, it can be seen that it and Obesity is irrelevant. The high calorie content of cola can easily make people gain weight, not to mention that the ingredients in it can also damage men’s liver and kidneys and other organs, affect male fertility, stimulate the secretion of excessive gastric acid, damage the gastric mucosa, and induce gastric diseases.

Not only that, there are also ingredients in cola that can cause the muscles around the heart to contract. Drinking too much will cause the heartbeat to speed up, the breathing will become heavy, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will increase.

5. Milk tea

Milk tea is a drink popular among young people. It combines The fragrance of milk and tea has more flavors than milk, and only retains the fragrance of tea without the astringency of tea. Although there are more women who love to drink milk tea, many men cannot avoid drinking a cup with their girlfriends. After a long time, they will fall in love with this taste.

But milk tea is not healthy, and it is not made with fresh milk and tea leaves. It is actually made of non-dairy creamer, essence and pigment. Drinking too much will stimulate the male organs and affect the Sperm motility reduces androgen secretion, so male friends must drink less.

Older male friends can eat four more types of foods if they want to supplement androgens:

1. Rich in zinc food. Such as oysters, beef, shellfish, etc., contribute to the secretion of androgens;

2. Foods rich in calcium. Such as milk, kelp, dried shrimp, nuts, etc. It can improve the symptoms of androgen deficiency in male friends and prevent osteoporosis.

3. Foods rich in arginine. Such as sea cucumber, cuttlefish, eel and so on. Can play the role of invigorating the kidney and nourishing essence.

4. Foods rich in vitamins. For example, vegetables and fruits can balance hormone levels in the body and delay aging.

In addition, male friends can usually use mulberry, wolfberry, eucommia male flower, and then mix with ginseng, Huang Jing, raspberry and other ingredients of the same origin of medicine and food, according to the recipe to make strong>Ginseng Huangjing tea is very beneficial to stimulate androgen and replenish yang qi.

In short, men with insufficient androgens must actively adjust their life and diet, and supplement androgens in time to avoid accelerated aging and disease-ridden diseases.