The diet is light and the heart is nourished. Summer health care is exquisite

Summer is the hottest season of the year. In the hot summer, what health care details should we pay attention to in our daily life?

Pay attention to nourishing the mind

Do a good job of physical and mental adjustment< /strong>

According to He Hongtao, director of the Cardiovascular Department of Hebei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart controls the mind, and heart health is closely related to psychology and mental state. In summer, the weather is hot, and the heart is full of fire, which is more likely to produce irritability and tiredness. Therefore, in summer, we should pay attention to nourishing the heart and do a good job in physical and mental adjustment.

He Hongtao found in clinical practice that among the seven emotions of joy, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear and shock, emotions such as anger, sadness and fear have a greater impact on the heart . He Hongtao suggested that when people, especially those with cardiovascular disease, suffer from frequent upset, insomnia, thirst and other discomforts, they must not take it lightly and seek medical attention in time when necessary.

In addition, people’s daily life in summer should also be adjusted appropriately according to the changes in solar terms. He Hongtao said that the principle of sleep in summer should be to go to bed late and get up early. In order to prevent lack of sleep, you can appropriately increase naps. The duration of naps varies from person to person, generally half an hour to an hour is appropriate.

Eat lightly and increase acidity appropriately strong>

According to He Hongtao’s introduction, in summer, foods that are easy to digest and rich in vitamins should be the main ones, eat more vegetables, lean meat and seasonal fruits, and eat less big fish and meat and greasy and spicy food food. Chinese medicine believes that people who are addicted to fat, sweet, and thick flavors are prone to dampness. The summer heat and dampness are in season, which will help the internal generation of dampness to cause abdominal distension, poor appetite and other symptoms of spleen and stomach discomfort, so people’s diet in summer should be light. At the same time, you can choose some spicy foods, such as ginger, scallion and so on.

He Hongtao said that the sour taste has astringent and astringent effects, which can restrain qi and sweat, and can also generate body fluids. Therefore, in summer, you can properly eat acidic foods, such as yogurt, tomatoes, apples, etc., which will help to condense sweat.

Exercise moderately and do what you can.

He Hongtao said that the summer weather is hot, The human body sweats a lot, and the choice of exercise form should also be adjusted appropriately. It is advisable to choose relatively peaceful exercises, such as Tai Chi, walking, cycling, etc.

Talking about the time and amount of exercise, He Hongtao suggested that exercise should be arranged in the early morning or evening to avoid heat and prevent excessive consumption of body fluids. Be careful not to sweat excessively when exercising, and drink warm water appropriately after exercising. The amount of exercise should be done according to one’s ability, so as not to cause discomfort. It is recommended to maintain 30 minutes to 40 minutes of each exercise, and exercise 3 to 5 times a week. It is not recommended to choose strenuous exercise, so as not to increase the load on the heart and induce cardiovascular disease.

He Hongtao reminded that the climate in summer is characterized by high temperature and easy expansion of blood vessels; low air pressure and weakened peripheral resistance of blood vessels. This climatic characteristic is conducive to the recovery of some cardiovascular patients. Some hypertensive patients can adjust their antihypertensive drugs appropriately according to their blood pressure in summer. However, the specific condition of different patients is different, so the adjustment of the drug must be in accordance with the doctor’s advice, and it is not allowed to stop or reduce the use of the drug without authorization, so as not to affect the condition.

(Yan Du Rong media reporter Tan Yanan)