The culprit of Alzheimer’s has been found, and 4 habits should be changed quickly! One action a day will keep the brain from shrinking and 80 years without dementia

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Some people leave the body Of The brain has long since left this world.

Unlike other diseases, Alzheimer’s patients mainly show memory deficits. Continuous decline, and thenloss of language ability, spatial judgment ability, basic cognitive ability, and finally loss of self-care ability< /span>, I need the care of my family all the time, which not only affects my health, but also drags down my relatives.

What causes “dementia”?

The occurrence of Alzheimer’s is often the result of a combination of genetics, lifestyle and environmental factors, such as age, family history, stroke, Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. are all important causes of Alzheimer’s disease.

Four more common risk factors can also damage the brain.

1lack of sleep

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Lack of sleep is an independent risk factor for cognitive impairment,sleep helps clear waste from the brain and strengthens memory .

A friend who has the bad habit of staying up late must get rid of it early and develop the habit of sleeping at a fixed time. You can take a nap, fall asleep at 11 pm, and take a half-hour nap between 11:00 and 1:00 noon. The elderly should ensure at least 6 hours of sleep every day.

2Excessive intake of sweets

Excessive intake of sweets can lead to repeated increases in sugar levels, instability of nerve cell function, and accelerated brain aging span>.

3Sedentary span>

It is harmful to people’s back, waist and legs to sit still, but this is not all harm.

Because studies have found that sitting for a long time can also lead to dementia. Therefore, proper activity can improve memory and keep the brain young.

4Vision Deterioration

The visual deterioration of the elderly is also an important cause of cognitive impairment. If you have vision loss, visual field loss or some eye diseases after getting older, you must seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

(Source: Visual China)

Any disease, prevention is the most important.

2Protect the brain –How to eat?

Medical researchers combined two of the healthiest diets known, the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet , formeda healthy eating pattern specifically for the brain, to promote brain function and prevent Alzheimer’s disease, this is the MIND diet.

It has been shown to slow cognitive decline in healthy older adults since its introduction in 2015. A study of healthy Chicago-area residents found that those with the most Those who adhered to the MIND diethad 7.5 years younger brains than those who were the least adherent.


A study presented at the International Stroke Conference in recent years compared the diets of 80-year-olds after a stroke. The study found that those who adhered to the MIND diet the most and least were There is a 20-year difference in cognitive function.

You only need to eat more of the recommended 10 foods and limit to 5 Unhealthy foods will do.

10 ways the MIND diet encourages proper eating Food:

  • green leafy vegetables< span>: Includes kale, spinach, etc. Can be cooked or used in salads.

    Green leafy vegetables are rich in Nutrients that improve brain health, such as folic acid, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids, may reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive decline. One meal a day can already slow brain aging. To maximize the effects of vegetables, weekly Eat at least six servings of leafy green vegetables.


  • Other vegetables: In addition to green leafy vegetables, Try to eat at least one other vegetable every day. It is best to choose non-starchy vegetables because they are nutrient-dense and low in calories.

  • berries: including strawberries, blueberries, Pots and blackberries etc.

    Berry has good antioxidant properties. In a 20-year study that included more than 16,000 adults, those who ate the most blueberries and strawberries experienced the slowest cognitive decline. Researchers believe that berries contain higher levels of bioflavonoids.

    It is recommended to eat two or more servings of berries per week for optimal brain health. Pay attention to pesticides when picking strawberries.

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  • Nuts: The MIND diet doesn’t specify which nuts to eat, but it’s best to diversify for a variety of nutrients.

    Nuts may be high in calories and fat, but they are rich in fat-soluble vitamin E that has protective effects on the brain. It is recommended to consume five or more servings of nuts per week. When you’re in the mood for dessert, try nuts, and remember to choose dry-roasted or raw nuts with no added salt, sweeteners, or oils.

  • Olive Oil: Olive oil is the main cooking oil.

  • whole grains: oatmeal, quinoa , brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and 100% whole-wheat bread.

  • fish: Eat fish at least once a week . It’s best to choose fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, and mackerel, as they are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Beans: At least four meals per week There are beans, which can be all kinds of beans. Beans high in protein and fiber increase satiety and are rich in B vitamins, which are essential for brain health. In a study analyzing the diets of older adults, those with the lowest intake of soy had the worst cognitive decline compared with those who ate more soy.

  • Poultry: Try to eat at least two meals per week times chicken or turkey. Note that fried chicken is not recommended.

  • About wine:If you don’t drink , do not start. Even small amounts of alcohol can increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer, and it’s best not to drink it for the sake of your overall health. If you drink alcohol, limit it to no more than one glass of wine a day.

    The MIND diet recommends limiting the following five foods:

    • butter and margarine: less than 1 tablespoon (about 14 grams) per day

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    • Cheese: No more than once a week.

    • red meat: consume no more than Three servings, including all beef, pork, lamb, and meat products made from these meats.

    • fried food: especially fast food restaurants of fried foods, preferably less than once a week.

    • span>Pastry & Desserts: This includes most processed junk foods and desserts you can think of, ice cream, cookies, brownies, treats, cakes, donuts, candies, etc.

      No more than four times a week is recommended. These foods contain saturated fat and trans fat. Studies have found that trans fats are linked to a variety of diseases, including heart disease and even Alzheimer’s disease. While research on saturated fat and heart disease is inconclusive and controversial, animal studies and observational studies do show that eating too much saturated fat can affect brain function.

    3A simple movement makes the brain more flexible

    The more you use the brain, the more flexible Exercise the brain and delay the occurrence of dementia.

    You can keep a diary, do rough work, dance square dance, etc., which are all good for exercising your brain.