The core indicators of maternal and child health in my country have dropped to the lowest level in history! don’t worry, good thing

At the press conference held by the National Health and Health Commission on May 30, Song Li, director of the Department of Maternal and Childhood of the National Health and Health Commission, introduced that in 2021, the maternal mortality rate in my country has dropped to 16.1/100,000, and the infant mortality rate has dropped to 16.1 per 100,000. 5.0‰, the mortality rate of children under 5 years old has dropped to 7.1‰, and the core indicators of maternal and child health have dropped to the lowest level in history.

Data map source Beiwan Online

Song Li introduced that over the past 10 years, my country has continuously implemented maternal and child health protection projects, and maternal and child health care institutions Capacity building projects and grass-roots obstetrics, neonatology and child health personnel training projects, with maternal and child health care institutions and women’s and children’s hospitals as the core, grass-roots medical and health institutions as the foundation, and general hospitals and related scientific research and teaching institutions as the support for women and children with Chinese characteristics. The health service system has been continuously improved.

Up to now, there are 3,032 maternal and child health care institutions nationwide, with 542,000 professionals and 260,000 beds. There are 793 maternity hospitals and 151 children’s hospitals nationwide, with 373,000 gynecologists and 206,000 pediatricians. Innovative models such as Cloud Maternity and Children and Smart Maternity and Children have continued to advance, and maternal and child health service capabilities have been continuously improved.

my country’s maternal and child health equalization level continues to improve. In recent years, the national hospital delivery rate of pregnant and lying-in women has remained stable at over 99%, and the rate of systematic maternal and child health management has remained above 90%. The gap between urban and rural areas in the health of women and children has been further narrowed. In the past 10 years, the ratio of the maternal mortality ratio between the western and eastern regions has dropped from 2.1 to 1.5, and the ratio of the mortality rate of children under 5 in rural and urban areas has dropped from 2.7 to 2.1.

In the past 10 years, the national prenatal inspection rate has increased from 93.7% to 97.6%, and the postnatal visit rate has increased from 91.0% to 96.0%. The rate of systematic maternal management has risen from 85.2% in 2011 to 92.9% in 2021, and the rate of hospital deliveries has stabilized at over 99%. The maternal mortality rate has steadily declined. The national maternal mortality rate in 2021 will be 16.1/100,000, a decrease of 38.3% from 26.1/100,000 in 2011.

Wang Linhong, chief expert on chronic diseases at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that since 2009, my country has included cervical cancer and breast cancer screening into major public health services, providing free screening for rural women. As of 2020, the two cancer screenings have covered nearly 2,600 counties and cities, with a total of 130 million free cervical cancer screenings and 64 million free breast cancer screenings.

(Original title: my country’s core indicators of maternal and child health have dropped to the lowest level in history! Don’t worry, it’s a good thing)

Source: Beijing Daily customer End reporter Sun Leqi

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