The community was sealed off, and the auxiliary policeman changed into a “big white” uniform on the spot…

Recently, the city is still carrying out nucleic acid screening and regional control. Wang Chao cannot rush to work due to the closure of the community , but he did not forget his identity, and took the initiative to contact the neighborhood committee where he lived, hoping to become a community volunteer and contribute to ensuring the lives of residents during the epidemic.

Wang Chao is an auxiliary police officer and a veteran. After reporting to the unit, he quickly devoted himself to the community anti-epidemic work. With the official start of a new round of nucleic acid screening in Puxi, Wang Chao put on protective equipment at 7:00 every morning and started a busy day. During the nucleic acid detection of residents in the community, Wang Chao helped maintain order, assisted residents to complete the health cloud registration, and reminded everyone to maintain a safe distance and try to avoid cross-infection caused by crowded people.

Due to the long-term closed management of the community, individual residents may feel incomprehensible and even emotional. The secretary of the neighborhood committee thought of Wang Chao and called him as soon as possible, hoping that he would go to dissuade him. Wang Chao immediately rushed to the scene, explained the current epidemic prevention policies, moved him with affection and reason, and finally recovered. The emotions of the residents have been supported by everyone.

For the elderly and disabled residents, Wang Chao coordinated with the community staff to actively open up green passages, and took the initiative to discuss with the neighbors in the queue on priority arrangements. nucleic acid. There are many elderly people living alone and widows in the community, and there are several elderly people with physical disabilities. There was a resident with poor hearing. Sometimes volunteers knocked on the door, but he couldn’t hear them either, so he couldn’t come for nucleic acid testing in time. So Wang Chao thought of a solution. He came to the balcony of the opposite building and shouted at his window with a loudspeaker. Finally, the old man heard the sound, opened the door, and cooperated with the medical staff who came to conduct nucleic acid testing.

After the nucleic acid test and antigen test were completed, Wang Chao threw himself into the work of helping residents deliver supplies every day, and sent the vegetables bought by the residents to the city. , takeaway, express delivery, and distributed material packages were delivered to the homes of residents who were quarantined and sealed in a timely manner, and he was always running up and down the stairs every day.

Wang Chao always felt that it was as small as a screw or a brick, and it was also useful sometimes. As an auxiliary police officer of the public security, the more critical period the epidemic is, the more you should stand up and work hard to protect the health of the people. He said that as long as there is one heart, victory will surely come.