The cigarette policy has ushered in a major adjustment. People who think it is difficult to quit smoking quickly come to understand

In today’s society, smoking is an unavoidable topic. Men will pass a cigarette when dealing with others. This is a polite behavior. Many men smoke To reduce the pressure on the body, cigarettes are essential on the wine table. Besides men, many women have joined the smoking brigade one after another. At present, the number of smokers in my country is gradually increasing, and many people lose their lives because of smoking in daily life. , Although the words smoking is harmful to health are printed on the cigarette box, many people still can’t quit cigarettes.

It has been decades since the promotion of smoking cessation, but many people still smoke continuously, although they all know that smoking is harmful to the body The harm of smoking is great, but it is still impossible to quit. Smoking not only affects the body, but also seriously affects other people. It is also a kind of harm to people who smoke second-hand smoke.


The cigarette market may undergo a “big adjustment”, friends who are still smoking, may wish to learn about it

In order to protect everyone’s health, the country has issued a lot of policies. I hope that through these policies, everyone can quit cigarettes. First, adjust the price of cigarettes. The quality of cigarettes is uneven and the price is different. , The country has raised the price of cigarettes, hoping to make more people quit cigarettes through this method. After all, the rising price of cigarettes is a big expense for many old smokers.

According to the minimum standard, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and investing 300 yuan per month, one year is 3600 yuan, save this money, can buy a lot of things for the family, I hope many people can successfully quit smoking, so the corresponding price adjustment is also to promote everyone to quit smoking, even if there is no way to quit smoking, it is good to smoke one less cigarette Yes, after all, if you smoke one less, the damage to the body will be less.


What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

First: Prevent shortened lifespan< /span>

In terms of life expectancy, smokers have a shorter life expectancy than unattractive people. Suppose a 25-year-old person smokes 40 cigarettes per day Compared with non-smokers of the same age, the life expectancy is 8.3 years shorter. If you quit smoking for 10 to 15 years, the average life expectancy between the two will not be much different.

Second: Cancer Risk Reduction

After 5 to 10 years of quitting smoking, the mortality rate of lung cancer is very different from that of non-smoking. After 10 to 15 years of quitting smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer is also The non-smokers are the same. A Japanese survey found that the total number of smokers is within 200,000. After 4 years of smoking cessation, compared with non-smokers, the mortality rate of lung cancer between the two is the same.

Third: Cardiovascular Health

The average smoker has a faster pulse than normal people, not only heart rate, but every organ is very stiff, because the harmful components of tobacco have an effect on the blood and blood vessels, which It is also the reason why people have higher cardiovascular problems than others. When everyone quits smoking, as the metabolic rate improves, the nicotine content in the blood decreases, and the blood returns to normal, which is helpful for cardiovascular health.

Fourth: Breathe well p>

The lungs are the first damage caused by smoking, because the lungs have a certain effect on the transport and conversion of oxygen, and the lungs of smokers will appear If you quit smoking in advance, your lungs will gradually return to normal. If smoking causes lung problems, it will also gradually recover, making your breathing easier.

Smoking is very harmful to the body. For the sake of health and to prevent family members from smoking second-hand smoke, we must quit cigarettes as soon as possible.