The Chinese medical team in Guyana and the Chinese embassy in Guyana hold lectures on health knowledge

Source: People’s Daily Online – Original Manuscript of International Channel

The picture shows the scene of the lecture on health knowledge. Photo courtesy of the 17th Chinese Medical Team in Guyana

People’s Daily Online, Rio de Janeiro, May 22 (Reporters Bi Mengying and Wu Jie) On May 21, local time, the 17th Chinese Medical Team in Guyana and the Chinese Embassy in Guyana The embassy held health and health knowledge lectures and health consultations to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Patriotic Health Movement.

Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Guo Haiyan spoke highly of the achievements made by the 17th Chinese medical team in Guyana in medical treatment, teaching, cultural dissemination and other aspects in the seven months since the arrival of the 17th Chinese medical team in Guyana, and also conveyed the Guyana Ministry of Health Recognition and gratitude for the outstanding contributions of the medical team.

Guyana is known as a “land of water” with intertwined rivers and a high incidence of water-borne infectious and parasitic diseases. Li Min, physician of the medical team and director of the Department of Nephrology, started from the local water quality problem, and talked about the prevalence, transmission routes, common clinical manifestations, how to prevent and cure, and the manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of urinary tract stones in Guyana. The relevant knowledge of treatment and prevention was explained in detail, and everyone was called on to pay attention to the prevention and treatment of water-related diseases.

Ge Ling, director of the orthopaedic department of the medical team, with the title of “Prevention and Health Care of Neck and Low Back Pain and Sports Injury”, elaborated on the pathogenesis and prevention measures of neck and low back pain, and analyzed the factors that are likely to cause sports injuries and how to avoid them. , so that the audience can benefit greatly.

Weenguang Wei, director of the TCM and Acupuncture Department of the medical team, from the traditional yin and yang and the five elements to the modern medical theory, vividly displayed the knowledge related to traditional Chinese medicine health in front of everyone, and won applause.