The cervix of the hospital was 10cm wide open in the traffic jam on the road, and the obstetric nurses were in the outpatient clinic for the emergency delivery of the emergency mother

Source: The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University

On the morning of March 14, the Obstetrics Outpatient Department of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University urgently received a patient who had been exposed to the fetal head and had scars. Due to the emergency of the uterus, Mi Chunmei, the director of the obstetrics department who was seeing the outpatient clinic, considered that it was too late to deliver the delivery in the delivery room, and was worried about the risk of uterine rupture, so she urgently coordinated with Peng Hongying, the deputy chief nurse who was also seeing the midwife clinic, to immediately give the mother to the mother. After the examination, I worked with Dr. Wu Wen to deliver the mother in a quick and orderly manner. At the same time, another midwife, Yang Zhiping, was in danger and maintained the normal order of the outpatient clinic.

It is understood that the woman was in unbearable pain due to uterine contractions, so she drove to Xiangya III in the company of her family. Unexpectedly, the hospital encountered a traffic jam at the east gate of the hospital. When they were extremely anxious, a policeman noticed the abnormal situation in the car, and hurriedly evacuated the traffic and led the mother to the obstetrics clinic quickly. After examination, the woman had a 10cm dilated cervix and a scarred uterus. She needed a cesarean section, but the woman could not wait until she was sent to the delivery room. All the doctors and nurses in the obstetric outpatient clinic had to give her an emergency delivery at the obstetrics outpatient clinic. With the close cooperation of the hospital’s medical staff, the mother gave birth to a baby girl at 10:13, and all the people present were relieved.

Then the baby girl was transferred to the NICU, and the mother was safely transferred to the delivery room for wound treatment. The police who rushed the mother to the hospital also waited until she was in the delivery room and explained the situation to the family before leaving.

Time is life, the Obstetrics Department of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University has passed many emergency drills, in close cooperation and With the cooperation of medical and nursing staff, we can maturely respond to various emergencies, and always put the safety of mothers and babies in the first place. The obstetrics department will work with all sectors of society to continue to escort the life and health of mothers and babies.

Review: Hu Haiyan