The centenarian suffers from oral cancer, and the doctor breaks through the “super-aged forbidden zone” to cut the tumor!

“I wish the two newlyweds a good luck for a hundred years…” Recently, when the 100-year-old mother-in-law Liu attended the wedding of her great-grandson, the joy of being together for four generations haunted the entire wedding venue. Looking at the red-faced grandmother Liu, it is hard to imagine that she was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the left cheek two months ago, and received a successful radical operation for oral cancer at the age of 100.

On February 23, 2022, the team of Associate Professor Fan Song from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University successfully performed radical resection of oral cancer for Granny Liu, and performed free flap repair at the same time. “According to our review of relevant reports, Granny Liu should be the oldest patient reported in China to undergo radical resection of oral cancer and perform free tissue flap repair at the same time.” Associate Professor Fan Song said.

Recently, Granny Liu returned to the hospital for review and took a group photo with Associate Professor Fan Song

The seemingly ordinary “mouth ulcer” , is actually oral cancer!

According to the memories of Grandma Liu’s family, the old man found a white plaque on the left cheek mucosa with ulceration half a year ago, but she thought it was a common oral ulcer, and she did not tell her family and did not seek medical treatment in time. Later, the family found an obvious cauliflower-like mass on Granny Liu’s left cheek, so they took Granny Liu to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University for treatment.

Associate Professor Fan Song introduced that during the outpatient examination, Granny Liu found a cauliflower-like mass of 4.5×3 cm in size on the left cheek, which had spread to the left corner of the mouth and the skin of the cheek. Squamous cell carcinoma of the left cheek was considered clinically. . Associate Professor Fan Song actively communicated with the elderly and their families about their condition, and suggested that they be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible to improve relevant examinations and formulate treatment plans.

After Granny Liu was admitted to the hospital, Associate Professor Fan Song’s team actively conducted multidisciplinary consultations with experts in cardiovascular medicine, anesthesiology, medical oncology, ICU and nutrition, fully evaluated the condition and formulated a thorough operation plan. And further obtain the full understanding and consent of the mother-in-law Liu and her family.

On February 23, 2022, with the cooperation of Dr. Xie Zhijun, Dr. Cao Haotian, Dr. Wang Yang, Dr. Li Yanyan and Dr. Li Jintao, associate professor Fan Song successfully performed left cheek cancer for Granny Liu Extended resection and left neck dissection were performed, and the puncture defect after tumor resection on the left cheek was repaired simultaneously with the anterolateral thigh flap of the thigh for the simultaneous repair of the left intraoral mucosa and buccal skin.

Associate Professor Fan Song introduced that Granny Liu was the oldest free flap repair patient in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the hospital. Because Granny Liu had severe carotid arteriosclerosis, Associate Professor Fan Song replaced the anastomotic carotid artery three times during the operation, and finally used the external carotid artery anastomosis to successfully make the flap have a good blood supply.

During the operation, under the close monitoring and precise management of Professor Lin Daowei, Deputy Director of the Department of Anesthesiology and Dr. Liu Xiaoqing, Granny Liu’s vital signs were very stable. After the operation, Professor Yang Zhengfei and Professor Fang Shao from the emergency ICU escorted Granny Liu. At the same time, Associate Professor Huang Kai of Cardiovascular Surgery treated Granny Liu in time for the extensive venous thrombosis of the lower extremities that occurred after her operation.

Mother Liu recovered well after the operation and was discharged 10 days after the operation. According to the family, Granny Liu has been able to eat normally recently, and she also attended the wedding of her great-grandson. The younger generations were very pleasantly surprised to see Granny Liu recovering after such a major operation.

Experts remind:

If you suffer from oral cancer, you don’t have to give up treatment because of advanced age!

Associate Professor Fan Song introduced that oral squamous cell carcinoma is a common oral and maxillofacial malignancy, which can lead to oral and maxillofacial ulceration and bleeding, restricted mouth opening, and seriously affect the patient’s eating. and speech and life-threatening. Oral cancer surgery has a large trauma, and the resected tissues and organs need to be repaired at the same time, otherwise the quality of life of the patients will be seriously affected. For super-aged oral cancer, how to safely carry out the radical resection of oral cancer and reconstruct the defect tissue at the same time has always been a difficult problem for oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

Associate Professor Fan Song mentioned that the successful implementation of the 100-year-old ultra-senior oral cancer radical operation was mainly attributed to the following points: 1. The advantages of general hospitals were fully utilized, and the relevant departments cooperated closely. For example, preoperative MDT has formulated a comprehensive surgical plan, and multidisciplinary experts will escort patients during and after surgery; 2. The accumulation of microsurgery, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a national key clinical specialty, and free skin is carried out every year. There are more than 800 cases of flaps. Breaking through the restricted area of ​​microsurgical flap repair is inseparable from the accumulation of microsurgical experience and high-quality vascular anastomosis technology; 3. The active cooperation of patients and their families, since oral cancer surgery requires complex operations and has high risks, so Many elderly patients simply give up the opportunity for treatment. Grandma Liu’s 100-year-old super-senior oral cancer surgery was carried out smoothly, thanks to the full trust of herself and her family in doctors and hospitals.

How to prevent oral cancer in daily life? Associate Professor Fan Song reminded the following points to stay away from oral cancer:

1. Develop good oral hygiene and have regular oral examinations, preferably every six months;

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2. Develop good eating habits and avoid eating too irritating food;

3. Timely remove adverse oral irritation Factors such as residual crown, residual root and poor restoration;

4. Stay away from high risk factors for cancer, such as betel nut chewing, long-term smoking and excessive drinking;

5. Prompt treatment, such as oral white plaque, erythema or mass, should seek medical attention actively. Granny Liu is an oral cancer caused by malignant vitiligo, so if you find vitiligo or oral ulcers that do not heal for more than two weeks, you should also actively seek medical treatment.

Written by: Southern Metropolis reporter Wang Daobin correspondent Zhang Yang Huang Rui