The “Biological Weapons Convention” celebrates the 50th anniversary of its opening for signature, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs makes a statement

On April 11, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked. Yesterday, April 10, the BWC celebrated the 50th anniversary of its opening for signature. What is the spokesperson’s comment? The Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention will also be held this year. What is China’s position under the current situation?

Zhao Lijian said that China strictly fulfills its obligations under the BWC, is committed to strengthening the BWC mechanism, actively calls for the resumption of the negotiation of the verification protocol, and advocates that the compliance of relevant countries should be dealt with in an objective and fair manner. Covenant question. China firmly safeguards the legitimate rights of developing countries to enjoy the dividends of biotechnology development, pushes the UN General Assembly to adopt the resolution on peaceful uses for the first time, and advocates fair, open and inclusive international cooperation. (CCTV reporters Zhao Jing and Kong Luyuan)