The best timetable for bathing, sleeping, and drinking tea for the human body! It’s too complete, it’s good for your health, please keep it!

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Doing everything in our daily life

such as brushing teeth, exercising, bathing, sleeping

all have corresponding “best times”

use these “best times”

You can easily stay healthy and beautiful

Scientific health “time” can’t be lost

10 “best times” to keep in mind!

Best time to brush your teeth

3 minutes after a meal is the best time to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.

Because at this time, the bacteria in the mouth begin to decompose food residues, and the acidic substances produced by them are easy to corrode, dissolve the enamel, and damage the teeth.

Best time for tea >

The best time to drink tea is 1 hour after a meal. Many people like to drink hot tea immediately after meals, which is very unscientific.

Tannic acid in tea can combine with iron in food to form insoluble iron salts, which interfere with the body’s absorption of iron and can induce anemia over time.

Best time to drink milk

Milk It is rich in calcium, drinking before going to bed for middle-aged and elderly people, can compensate for the low state of blood calcium at night and protect bones.

At the same time, milk has a hypnotic effect.

Best time to eat fruit

eat fruit The best time is 1 hour before meals.

Fruit is a raw food. After eating cooked food, the white blood cells in the body will not increase, which is helps to protect the human immune system.

Best time to bask in the sun

8-10am and 4-7pm are the best times for sun exposure.

Sunlight is beneficial at this timeThe ultraviolet A beam is mainly used, which can make the human body produce vitamin D, thereby enhancing the ability of the human immune system to resist tuberculosis and prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the incidence of arteriosclerosis.

Best time for beauty

Skin metabolism It is most active from 24:00 to 6:00 am.

Use skin care products at night before bed for the best skin care effect, which can promote metabolism and protect skin health.

Best time to take a walk

45 minutes to 60 minutes after meals, walking at a speed of 4.8 kilometers per hour for 20 minutes, the maximum calorie consumption, best for weight loss strong>.

It works better if you take a walk two hours after a meal.

Best time to shower

every night< strong>Take a warm water bath (35℃~45℃) before going to bed, which can relax the muscles and joints of the whole body, speed up the blood circulation, and help you fall asleep peacefully.

The best time to sleep

It is best to take a nap from 13:00, when the body feels less , it is easy to fall asleep.

It is better to go to bed at night from 22:00 to 23:00 , because people’s deep sleep time is from 24:00 to 3:00 am the next day, and people go into deep sleep one and a half hours after going to bed.

Best time to exercise

Evening exercise is most beneficial. Because:

■ Human’s physical exertion or physical adaptability, bothin the afternoon or close to dusk is the best >.

■ People’s sense of taste, vision, hearing and other senses are the most sensitive, and the ability to coordinate the whole body is the strongest, especially the heart rhythm and blood pressure are relatively stable, best for exercise.

Health management goes “in time”

The 24-hour manual of the human body, check it out!


The body enters < span>Light sleep stage, easy to wake up.

The mind is clearer at this time, Those who stay up late can’t sleep when they want to sleep.


Most organs work the slowest during the day liver is working intensely, generates blood to detoxify the body.


Go to deep sleep< During the /span> phase, the muscles are completely relaxed.


The “Darkness Before Dawn” hour, Older adults are most at risk of accidents.

[5:00 ]

The yang qi gradually sublimates and the spirit is full.


blood pressure begins to rise , the heartbeat gradually increases. Hypertensive patients need to take antihypertensive drugs.


The most immune system Strong. After breakfast, nutrients are gradually absorbed by the body.

【8:00 】

The secretion of various physiological hormones is exuberant, Getting started.

【9:00 】

Suitable for injection, surgery, physical examination, etc.

At this time, the body’s qi and blood are active, the cerebral cortex is excited, and the pain is reduced.


Highest productivity< /span>.


belongs to The first golden hour of the human body. The heart is performing at its full potential, refreshed without fatigue.


After a long morning of work, you need to rest.


Best “Meridian Sleep” time.

It is not advisable to fight with fatigue. It is better to lie down and rest for half an hour to an hour.


Unresponsive. It is easy to feel drowsy, and the human body’s ability to stress is reduced.

【15:00 】

After lunch nutrients are absorbed, they are gradually transported to the whole body, Workability begins to return.


is The second golden hour of the human body. Best for meetings, PR, hosting important guests.

【16:00】The blood sugar began to rise, which was obvious.

[17:00 ]Work efficiency reaches its peak in the afternoon and is also suitable for physical exercise.

[18:00 ]

The sensitivity of the human body decreases, and the pain sensation decreases again .


The most quarrelsome. This is the evening peak of blood pressure fluctuations, and people’s mood is the most unstable.


Body entry span>The third golden stage. The strongest memory and abnormally fast brain response.

【20:00-21:00 】

Suitable for homework, reading, Create, exercise, etc.


Perfect for grooming. Breathing begins to slow, and body temperature gradually drops.

It’s best to go to bed after 10:30 for a foot bath to fall asleep quickly. Gradually enter deep sleep, and the fatigue of the day begins to ease.


In addition to breaks,< /span>No activity is allowed.

This set of health and wellness schedules

Have you memorized it all?

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Comprehensive from Popular Science China, China News Network, People’s Daily, Practical Encyclopedia, High-quality Living Home

Article source: Labor Daily