The Best of the Best Many hospitals in Zhejiang carry out the selection of medical security personnel for the Hangzhou Asian Games

Zhejiang Online March 1 (Reporter Shen Tingyu Zhang Mengyue) On February 28, an advanced selection of medical security personnel for the Hangzhou Asian Games was held at the Run Run Run Run Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Medical staff from several departments of the hospital conducted a medical practice scenario drill for the “examination questions” related to the medical security of the Asian Games under the strict review of 6 experts in the hospital.

The assessment venue is located in the simulated emergency room of the Medical Simulation Center of Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University. At the scene, monitors, emergency vehicles and other equipment are readily available, and the environment is no different from the real emergency room scene. The review experts specially designed more than 20 kinds of “examination questions” for the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Asian Paralympic Games, including multiple injuries, pneumothorax, fractures, etc., focusing on medical staff’s appearance in medical emergency treatment, English communication, emergency treatment, Comprehensive abilities such as standardization of diagnosis and treatment, humanistic care, and communication will be assessed, and the comprehensive quality of medical security personnel in the Asian Games will be examined in an all-round way.

A total of 30 medical groups were evaluated that day, with 2 people in each group. Each medical team needs to conduct on-site simulation treatment for different “examination questions”, and medical staff communicate with patients in English throughout the process. The standard patients were played by foreign master and doctoral students from Run Run Shaw Hospital of Zhejiang University, and their feelings and opinions were also included in the assessment.

After participating in the selection, Yu Yichen, a general surgeon at Run Run Run Shaw Hospital of Zhejiang University, told reporters: “After receiving the recruitment notice, I immediately signed up, and I also re-organized and learned the daily medical English, hoping to help Chinese and foreign students. Athletes, etc., can provide faster and more reliable services.”

Many medical staff at the scene have experience in participating in large-scale events and activities. Cheng Zhen, a nurse at the International Medical Center of the hospital, said that she has 26 years of clinical nursing experience and has participated in support and guarantees such as the G20 Hangzhou Summit. At present, her daily work is mostly communication with foreign patients.

According to the task list of various security hospitals formulated by the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee’s Medical and Health Department, at present, Shaw Hospital of Zhejiang University has completed the preliminary selection and screening of medical security personnel for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games. There are 399 Through preliminary selection, the candidates were selected into the talent pool of medical insurance candidates for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games, involving emergency, ICU, general practice, cardiology, general surgery, thoracic surgery, neurology, rehabilitation medicine, hospital infection management, mental health, Nursing and other 27 departments. Run Run Shaw Hospital of Zhejiang University will use the virtual training room to reproduce real-life venues such as sports fields, outdoors, hotels, etc., and design cases in various scenarios including on-site treatment, transfer, and hospital emergency room. Medical security personnel will be systematically trained and assessed.

Medical protection is an indispensable part of the successful holding of the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games. Many hospitals in the province are carrying out a series of selections, three-dimensionally grasping the comprehensive quality of hospital medical staff, selecting the best among the best, selecting and cultivating a group of medical security personnel with excellent comprehensive abilities, and going all out to complete the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Games at a high level. Various medical security tasks of the Paralympic Games.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, as one of the designated hospitals for the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Asian Paralympic Games, actively participates in all departments in order to fully serve the Asian Games. Not long ago, the First Hospital of Zhejiang University has launched the medical volunteer interviews for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games. The medical staff in the hospital actively signed up, looking forward to using their professional knowledge to serve domestic and foreign athletes and guests.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine is responsible for the medical treatment of more than ten Asian Games venues, including the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center and the main media center. It is also responsible for VIP protection, extensive burns, Air medical emergency rescue and other tasks such as medical treatment in designated hospitals, the hospital has completed the selection of medical security personnel. The hospital has established leadership and treatment teams. According to the characteristics of sports injuries in each Asian Games venue, it is equipped with professional doctors such as orthopedics, emergency medicine, cardiovascular medicine, and general medicine. Medical treatment at the event site.