The “accelerator” for Alzheimer’s may be found, 3 “health” behaviors, try to change them

Time goes by and time flies. As time goes by, people slowly step into the journey of middle-aged and elderly people. Metabolism slows down, and a series of lesions are most likely to occur, leading to a variety of diseases.

From a medical point of view: after the age of 50 is a period of high incidence of diseases, and middle-aged and elderly people are threatened by many diseases. In addition to “three highs” and “cancer”, what is safe for people is Alzheimer’s disease.

After suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, it will not cause physical pain to the elderly, but it will cause psychological and mental distress.

Alzheimer’s disease, also known as Alzheimer’s disease, is a progressive development with an insidious onset The neurodegenerative disease is very insidious, and it is not easy to be detected in the early stage.

Nowadays, the level of medical care is constantly improving, and many intractable diseases have been overcome. Alzheimer’s disease is nothing Drugs can completely cure him, but he can only delay the rapid development of the disease to a certain extent.

What are the three stages of Alzheimer’s disease?

Early:Because dementia develops gradually, the early stages are often overlooked .

Common early symptoms include forgetfulness, lack of any sense of time in familiar places, difficulty making decisions, Especially in terms of money and housework, there will be difficulties, and the mood will become more passive, lack of motivation, lose interest in anything, especially emotional, occasionally anxious, occasionally depressed, occasionally angry, aggressive!

Interim:As dementia progresses to an intermediate stage, signs and Symptoms are clearer and more restrictive for patients.

Common symptoms include: forgetting recent events and names, getting lost at home or in the community, needing help from others, Changes in daily behaviors such as sleep disturbances, hallucinations, and inability to live safely can also occur.

Advanced:Patients with advanced dementia rely almost exclusively on In the care of others, memory impairment is very serious.

Common symptoms include: inability to perceive time and place, unawareness of relatives and friends around, difficulty in daily life Take care of yourself and need help from others.

The “accelerator” for Alzheimer’s may be found, 3 “health” behaviors, try to change< /h1>

Sleep too long

A person spends 1/3 of his life in sleep. Adequate sleep is very important for everyone. Getting enough sleep for eight hours a day is good for all organs of the body. As well as the repair and detoxification of the kidneys.

Then, when the elderly get old, they like to go to bed early because they have nothing to do. The increase of naps, and even the situation of staying in bed, exceeds eight hours of sleep time, sleep too long every day will lead to the degeneration of the central nervous system of the brain, and the activity of brain cells will also decline, which can easily lead to brain atrophy.


Many middle-aged and elderly people will change their mentality when they get older, and every day I am afraid that some diseases will come to me and affect their physical health, and some elderly people will die in fear.

Eating too light

Whether children or adults, when they are sick and see a doctor, the doctor will advise everyone to eat light food during this period, not to eat too salty or greasy food, even our Don’t eat the meat you usually eat, try to eat three meals a day, and keep a light diet, so as to help the recovery of the disease.

The nutrients in vegetables are too simple, meat is rich in high-quality protein, but its content in vegetables is not Very low, the body is relatively partial eclipse, resulting in insufficient nutritional intake, which eventually induces Alzheimer’s disease.

As I get older, how can I prevent dementia? These 5 key points must be mastered

Hyperactive brain

< p data-track="24">In the process of brainstorming, it can activate brain cells and achieve the effect of delaying brain aging.

If you have the conditions, you can do more puzzles and brain-enhancing things, think more or more. Playing table tennis and chess can prevent Alzheimer’s disease in the process of exercising the brain.

sufficient nutrition

A reasonable diet can provide all kinds of nutrients needed by the human body and slow down the speed of brain degeneration. If you persist, you will find that the memory ability of the elderly will be improved, and the thinking ability will also be enhanced.

Do not smoke

< p data-track="29">Smoking can cause insufficient blood supply to the brain and cause brain cells to shrink. According to a survey by German scientists, people who have smoked for more than 10 years are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. for people who never smoke.

Chew more food when you eat

< p data-track="31">Physiologists have found that when a person chews food, the blood flow to the brain will increase by about 20%, and the increase in cerebral blood flow has a protective effect on brain cells.

Proactively prevent constipation

Because people who are often constipated, their intestines will produce a variety of toxic substances such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, histamine, thiol and indole, which can cause As the blood circulates into the brain, it induces Alzheimer’s disease.