The 82-year-old aunt has numbness and pain in her legs for 4 years, and a 3cm hole solves the problem of lumbar spinal stenosis, March 17th (Correspondent Xu Fuqiang, reporter Sun Tiejing) Recently, the team of Prof. Lin Yong from the Second Division of Spine Surgery, East Hospital of Qingdao Municipal Hospital successfully served as an 82 An elderly patient with lumbar spinal stenosis underwent “single-channel split endoscopic spinal surgery (OSE)”, which solved the lumbar spinal stenosis for the patient through a small hole of less than 3 cm.

Auntie’s legs are numb, which is caused by the narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal

82-year-old Aunt Jiang (pseudonym), her legs appeared 4 years ago Numbness and pain, the symptoms have worsened significantly in the past year, the effect of conservative treatment is not satisfactory, the aunt’s activities are obviously limited, which seriously affects the quality of life. Because of fear of surgery, on January 7th, she came to the outpatient clinic of Director Lin Yong of the Second Department of Spinal Surgery, East Hospital, Qingdao Municipal Hospital. Through detailed physical examination and imaging examination, Mrs. Jiang was diagnosed with “lumbar spinal stenosis”. .

Traditional open surgery mostly requires internal fixation, which has high surgical risks, large trauma, slow recovery, and high postoperative complications. Considering the patient’s 82-year-old age and general physical condition, he could not tolerate traditional surgical treatment. Director Lin Yong’s team discussed and designed the best surgical plan before the operation, and determined the lumbar spinal canal decompression with OSE technology. After understanding the advantages of this technology, Aunt Jiang and her family happily accepted the surgical plan.

A small hole, minimally invasive solution to the problem of lumbar spinal stenosis

On January 12, the operation was carried out as scheduled, under the skilled control of Director Lin Yong, It took 2 hours to successfully complete the resection of the ligamentum flavum, the decompression of the spinal canal, and the release of adhesions. There is only a small incision less than 3 cm in the back of the patient after surgery, and the scar after healing is small and beautiful.

“If I knew the effect was so good, why waste the sin of so many years”. The pain and numbness of the lower limbs of the patients were significantly relieved after the operation, and they could go down and move on the first day after the operation. The patients were very satisfied with the treatment effect. She was discharged from the hospital one week after the operation.

New Star of Minimally Invasive Spinal Endoscopy Technology——OSE

Director Lin Yong said that the single-channel split spinal endoscopic technology (OSE, open spinal endoscope ) single-channel operation skills are more suitable for doctors who are proficient in hole mirrors to carry out technical transformation and upgrading. It realizes the separation of surgical instruments and endoscopes, taking into account the advantages of intervertebral foramina and dual-channel endoscopy technology. It is an innovation of surgical instruments, surgical methods and concepts. Including all kinds of lumbar disc herniation, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis and so on.

It mainly has the following advantages: more flexible operation. The whole process of visual operation and flexible manipulation space is better than foraminal scope; the operating instrument is separated from the endoscope, which has more flexible operation space.

Single channel is more minimally invasive. The incision position can be selected according to the characteristics of the lesion, and there is less soft tissue peeling;

The field of vision is clearer and the operation time is shorter. The visual field and surgical operation are placed in one incision, and the operation and conversion can be performed in aqueous medium and air medium. It enables the surgeon to have a more accurate anatomical identification, prevents “labyrinth under the microscope”, thus greatly shortening the operation time;

The nerve decompression is more thorough. Compared with other minimally invasive spinal endoscopic techniques, OSE technology has a wider area of ​​nerve decompression, high efficiency, low learning curve, and easy promotion.

Lower chance of postoperative infection. OSE technology relies on water medium, and under the “washing” of water flow, the probability of postoperative infection of patients is lower than that of ordinary open surgery.

Over 3000 cases of endoscopic surgery, covered by mainstream endoscopic techniques

Professor Lin Yong’s team took the lead in carrying out spinal endoscopic lumbar discectomy in Qingdao successively Surgery (PELD surgery), spinal endoscopic lumbar fusion (ENDO LIF surgery), spinal endoscopic unilateral bilateral spinal canal decompression (ULBD surgery), unilateral dual access spinal endoscopic surgery (UBE This time, the successful implementation of the single-channel split spinal endoscopic technique (OSE surgery) indicates that the team has carried out all the techniques and is proficient in the current mainstream minimally invasive spinal endoscopic techniques. The team has successfully carried out more than 3,000 cases of various types of spinal endoscopic surgery, and accumulated rich clinical experience.