The 8 most common scams in the treatment of diabetes, everyone must be careful

Diabetes is a chronic disease. At present, there is no way to cure it. It can only be controlled. Many diabetic patients cannot accept this fact for a while. They are eager to get rid of the state of living with the disease, so various claims can cure diabetes. The scams take turns.

The author has sorted out the common scams for treating diabetes, and shared it with readers and friends here, hoping to help more sugar friends avoid being deceived and spend less money.

Scam One

Ancestral Secret Recipe to cure diabetes

Whether it is an ancestral secret recipe, it is impossible for ordinary people to verify.

We can think about it, the ancestral heritage has to be pushed up for at least 3 generations. When this secret recipe was used to treat diabetes in that era, how many diabetic patients were there?

Whether this secret recipe can cure modern diabetes, there is a big question mark?

Scam II

Promise a cure for diabetes in a few sessions

We often see or hear the slogan: 3 The course of treatment cures diabetes, no more injections, taking medicine, blood sugar returns to normal, and contracts can be signed and notarized.

The truth is: the contract period is up, and the indicators may indeed be as stated in the contract, but This is only diabetes control, not in the true sense of healing.

The cost of treatment in a regular hospital to achieve this effect may be tens or hundreds of yuan. Even more than ten thousand yuan.

Scam Three

I have cured dozens or hundreds of diabetic patients using a certain method

We talk and do things We must pay attention to evidence, which is called evidence-based medicine in medicine, that is, data with statistical significance in medicine, which can be deduced from some cases to the whole.

The number of diabetic patients who claim to have treated dozens or hundreds of cases is not statistically significant.

Whether these people really have such therapeutic effects, and whether these effects can be extended to all diabetic patients, there must be a question mark?

Scam Four

High-tech can lower blood sugar

We often see advertisements promoting “electronic physical therapy products, magnetic therapy products ( Watches, cups, sofas, beds)” and other high-tech products can lower blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, etc., in short, there are many benefits.

I urge you to watch your wallet and don’t believe it.

If high-tech products can really lower blood sugar, blood lipids, and blood pressure, doctors have already paid attention to them, and there will be many reports in the medical community.

Scam Five< /span>

Health products for lowering blood sugar without side effects

It is true that some diabetic patients have lower blood sugar after taking health care products, but are the health care products under the banner of natural ingredients added with hypoglycemic western medicine?

If Western medicine is added and taken without the guidance of a doctor, it is very dangerous and may induce severe hypoglycemia.

Actually, according to the provisions of the Food and Drug Administration Law, health products that claim to have therapeutic effects involve illegal propaganda, so don’t believe them.

Scam Six

Dependence on hypoglycemic drugs

Many people will demonize dependence on hypoglycemic drugs, saying that once they use If you take medicine, you will never stop, so you can’t take medicine without taking medicine.

The fact is: some patients with diabetes who were discovered earlier, their own islet function is OK, and they can control their blood sugar steadily through diet and exercise without drugs.

However, most patients’ own blood sugar regulation ability is not good. If no drug is used, blood sugar will definitely remain high, which may induce diabetic ketosis. Acute diabetic complications such as acidosis, hyperglycemia and hyperosmolar syndrome. This part of patients needs to be controlled with drugs all the time, which is not dependent on hypoglycemic drugs, but is determined by the characteristics of the disease itself.

Scam Seven

Western medicine damages the liver and kidney, natural Chinese medicine is the best

Chinese medicine is also medicine, and it needs to be differentiated under the guidance of a Chinese physician Use, if used improperly, natural Chinese medicine may also damage the liver and kidneys. For example, some patients lead to renal failure due to the wrong use of the traditional Chinese medicine Tripterygium wilfordii.

The western medicines approved by the state are all effective and have undergone strict clinical tests. The adverse reactions of these medicines are preventable and controllable.

Cooperating with doctors to monitor liver and kidney functions regularly, and taking western medicine under the guidance of a doctor, there is no need to worry about the problem that western medicine will damage the liver and kidney, but control blood sugar as soon as possible , is a protection for the liver and kidneys.

Scam Eight

The treatment of diabetes, the effect is immediate and patented

Have you seen the following paragraph:

“The sugar-reducing prescription recommended by a major expert, one dose of the sugar-reducing prescription has immediate effect. The patient’s blood sugar can drop steadily on the same day as soon as possible, and all kinds of complications are quickly eliminated. Goodbye Hypoglycemic drugs, eat as much as you want, drink as much as you want.”

Seeing such exaggerated propaganda, we need to do three things, really Pseudo-self-identification:

  1. to check whether the experts are real, and search on a reliable website, such as the hospital’s official website , CNKI or Wanfang Data.
  2. Check whether the claimed drug principle is reliable and logically plausible.
  3. Check whether the claimed patent is exactly the same as the patent registered by the State Intellectual Property Office.

Teach you 4 tricks to identify scams

1. With absolute guarantee and The propaganda of the assertion, such as 100% effective, including recovery, and “full of confidence”, is definitely false.

2. Any substance that can have an additional effect on the body may bring about adverse reactions. It is irresponsible to claim that the drug does not have any adverse reactions. Regular medicines cannot cure all diseases and will declare adverse reactions.

3. If you see a new treatment that is not the mainstream method, such as the novel claim that detoxification can cure diabetes, don’t believe it blindly, and check whether there is an authoritative media report.

4. Earning money is not easy. Before paying, consult a doctor.

Author: zjp