The 7th Primary and Secondary School Students Art Exhibition in Shandong Province, Linyi No. 3 Primary School won two awards

On the 16th, Linyi No. 3 Experimental Primary School ushered in good news-in the 7th Primary and Secondary School Students Art Exhibition in Shandong Province, the school’s original large-scale children’s red drama “Chasing Dreams” based on the century-old school history won the Outstanding Creation Award and the Primary School Group drama first prize.

“Dream Chasing” is a drama about red patriotism education. The background is a children’s drama created by artistic processing based on many revolutionary martyrs such as Sun Shanshi, Sun Shanshuai, and Li Keyu.

Through the anti-Japanese war and educational work experience of several generations of Guo’s family and the school, the play intercepts their defense of the family and the country, selfless anti-Japanese war, not afraid of sacrifice, courageous dedication, dedication to education, and inheritance of Yimeng spirit. A few short stories show the birth, inheritance and development of Yimeng spirit from small to big. It can be called an inspirational story of a group of Acura party members, and a magnificent epic focusing on the spirit of Yimeng. The play is easy to understand and deeply moving. Through the wonderful performances of the Young Pioneers, it shows the history of education and the inheritance of the red spirit.

Linyi No. 3 Experimental Primary School was founded in 1903. Several martyrs and generals are recorded in the school’s century-old history, and it is rich in red cultural resources. The dream of education is passed on from generation to generation, the revolutionary tradition is integrated into the blood, and the red culture is deeply embedded in the soul and temperament of the school, becoming the pursuit and mission of education. Relying on the rich resources of the region’s “red revolutionary culture”, the school has established the school-running concept of “red education”, and carried out red education activities such as experience, inquiry, perception, and display, while broadening horizons, acquiring knowledge, adapting to life, and integrating into society. , make every effort to build the school’s dream education brand characteristics, and cultivate students’ sense of responsibility and family and country feelings.

The school has spent 10 years constructing and implementing a complete and advanced Yimeng Red Gene school-based curriculum system. Through classroom lectures, community activities, and research and practice courses, it is deeply integrated with the cultivation of students’ personalities and strengths. , to guide students to recognize, experience, and perceive the red gene, to continue the red blood, to empower students’ diversified development, and to make Yimeng spiritual education “live”.

“The overall implementation of the Yimeng Red Gene school-based curriculum in the school has planted a ‘heroic dream’ in the hearts of students, stimulated the internal drive for goodness, and improved students’ comprehensive quality.” Principal of Linyi No. 3 Primary School Aifen said that under the inspiration of the red spirit, Linyi No. 3 Experimental Primary School is firmly walking on the road to the dream with the strongest voice of the times.

Qilu One Point Correspondent Ma Hui