The 7-month-old boy can’t turn over and can’t talk or walk when he grows up, because his grandmother is reluctant to spend 3,000

August 26, 2018, what a day to celebrate for this ordinary family – a lovely little grandson came to the world. But looking back three years later, this day is also the beginning of a family nightmare…

In this family, grandma is the one who decides the big and the small. Although the family foundation is relatively poor, but the daughter-in-law has not missed a pregnancy check. When the child was born, there was an accident. The doctor told the adults: The boy is a little hypoxic.

Looking at the newborn who was transferred and sent to the ICU for rescue, grandma couldn’t even close her eyes. The ICU does not accompany the family members, and the grandmother is guarding in the corridor. The grandson’s real escape from danger was also two weeks later.

At this time, I thought that everything was settled and my grandma, who could go home with confidence, was called by the doctor to talk. “Newborns are still relatively weak and deprived of oxygen from birth. It is best to take a period of treatment to prevent sequelae.”

As soon as she heard that the child still needed treatment, grandma threw the most crucial question: how much would the treatment cost? The doctor introduced Hyperbaric oxygen therapy requires at least 3 courses, and a course of 1000 yuan.

Grandma’s heart clenched hard when she heard this number. Even the money for my grandson’s rescue in the ICU was borrowed from home. The grandmother made a decision to take the child directly home to have a look. It was this decision that ruined the child’s life.

Cannot roll over at 7 months, can’t talk, walk at 3 years old

After the child was taken home, the adults named him “Xiaoxu”, which means the rising sun, and hope that he will be healthy and like a sun hanging in the sky. Unfortunately, it backfired. Xiaoxu grew up slowly, but he was different from other children.

When Xiaoxu was 7 months old, the gap between him and his peers was getting bigger and bigger. I can’t hold things with my hands, and I can’t even turn over on my own. Couldn’t stand without help.

When other people’s children can talk and walk, my grandson Xiaoxu can’t even stand up. The adults finally couldn’t sit still and decided to take the child to see a doctor.

The test results came out: Xiao Xu was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy!

How can this happen? What exactly is the cause? According to the doctor’s introduction, the reason was that the child lacked oxygen at birth and did not receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy, leaving sequelae.

When she heard the news, grandma sat on the ground crying, unable to accept the news. More terrible news is yet to come. Xiaoxu’s condition is very serious and may require long-term treatment, otherwise he may not be able to speak or walk for the rest of his life.

A good child may not be able to take care of himself for the rest of his life? No one can accept this. What’s more, all of this could have been avoided. Grandma beat her chest with regret. Cerebral palsy and epilepsy will accompany the child’s life. The 3,000 saved at the beginning will be doubled.

How much hypoxia can cause encephalopathy in a child?

After the birth of a newborn, many of them will experience varying degrees of hypoxia. So to what extent does hypoxia lead to such a serious brain disease?

01 Mild

Mild ischemia and hypoxia can cause some children to experience tremors and panic attacks.

Generally, it is most obvious in the first 24 hours. The EEG will then return to normal.

02 Moderate

In the case of moderate ischemia and hypoxia, the child will appear lethargic and sluggishsymptom.

Generally speaking, if the child’s related symptoms disappear on their own after 2-3 days, it is not a big problem. If symptoms keep getting worse, you may have cerebral edema.

03 Severe

Children with severe ischemia and hypoxia have more serious problems when they are just born. Mechanical ventilation is required first, followed by gradual correction of respiratory function and metabolic abnormalities.

Many patients, even with treatment, may have some developmental delays for a variety of reasons.

Dr.X Says

For cerebral palsy, 1/4 of the causes of cerebral palsy are related to hypoxia. This will affect the child’s life. At the beginning, saving 3,000 yuan and not doing treatment to prevent sequelae, the later price may be extremely painful. Don’t bet your child’s life!