The 68-year-old uncle was almost blind, and the hospital checked for bacterial infection all over his body!

[Source: Hangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission_Work News]

My eyes suddenly disappeared, and the hospital checked the whole body for bacterial infection! The 68-year-old Uncle Ding (pseudonym) never thought that he would get into such an acute severe condition.

A sharp drop in eyesight, a hospital check

It seems that every organ is sick

Uncle Ding is a native of Yuhang. He usually does some farm work at home. Like most fathers, Uncle Ding is very capable Endured hardship, tired and sick, and would not tell the children, often carry it over and pass.

But for the past week, Uncle Ding always felt sleepy, unable to work hard, had no energy, and his appetite was much worse. But Uncle Ding didn’t take it seriously.

Suddenly one day, Uncle Ding woke up in the morning and found that his vision became blurred. However, the blurring was only the beginning, and he was almost blind that evening, and only a dim shadow could be seen waving his hands in front of his eyes.

This made Uncle Ding’s family worried and rushed him to the emergency department of the Third People’s Hospital of Yuhang District.

However, the reality was worse than Uncle Ding’s family thought. After examination, the emergency doctor found that Uncle Ding’s problem was not just as simple as vision loss.

Extremely high levels of inflammation, lung inflammation, liver mass… Uncle Ding seems to be sick in every organ. In order to get treatment as soon as possible, Uncle Ding was admitted to the Medical Oncology Department overnight.

Fever at 39°C, blood pressure continues to drop

Experts jointly identify deadly bacteria

With the As the disease progressed, Uncle Ding’s admission temperature rose to 39°C, his blood pressure dropped progressively, and his mental state was very poor.

The hospital launched a multidisciplinary consultation (MDT). Ophthalmologist Sheng Yanfei’s consultation found that the patient’s conjunctiva was congested and purulent secretions were seen under the anterior chamber. It turned out that the eyes were invisible because there was pus in the eyes. Zhou Huaqiang, director of the Department of Medical Oncology, learned from the medical history and physical examination at the bedside that Uncle Ding had obvious symptoms such as decreased urine output, tingling urination, and percussion pain in bilateral kidney areas.

Experts from hepatobiliary surgery, urology, and respiratory medicine also found that the unknown mass in Uncle Ding’s liver was a liver abscess. Accompanied by urinary tract infection and respiratory system infection. A series of symptoms indicated that Uncle Ding had an acute severe bacterial infection.

Qian Shenxian, the executive vice president of the first city hospital and an expert in hematology, suggested during the consultation that Uncle Ding was likely to have severe sepsis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. , lung, urinary system, liver and other problems are all secondary infections caused by bacteria.

Blood culture confirmed the diagnosis of President Qian Shenxian, Ding Uncle was infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae! After confirming the source of infection, after professional treatment, Uncle Ding has gradually recovered.

Sepsis is dangerous

We should pay attention to these situations

Sepsis is a condition in which purulent bacteria invade the bloodstream, multiply in the bloodstream, and spread to other organisms in the host through the bloodstream. A tissue or organ that produces new purulent lesions. Therefore, attention should be paid to small wounds, and be careful of germs entering from broken wounds.

Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response syndrome caused by infection. The scary part is that it is dangerous and has a high mortality rate. Failure is an important cause of death of patients, and it has a cumulative effect.

Director Zhou Huaqiang suggested that if middle-aged and elderly patients have unexplained fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, etc. Attention should be paid to the local hospital in time, and no carelessness should be allowed.


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