The 6-year-old twin has 4 years of “mirror” age, doctor: visual training regains good vision

Many parents of children with strabismus and amblyopia must have some understanding of “visual function training”. In the treatment of strabismus and amblyopia, patience is often required. The visual function training that tests perseverance is one of them. Due to the long treatment process, parents can’t help but ask: Is visual function training useful?

Xiangtan Aier Eye Hospital once received a pair of children with amblyopia. Amblyopia is the best corrected visual acuity in one eye or both eyes (ie, after dilated optometry) caused by abnormalities such as monocular strabismus, anisometropia (that is, a large difference in the refractive power of the two eyes), high refractive error, and form deprivation during the visual development period. Visual acuity with glasses) is lower than that of normal children of the corresponding age, and there is no organic disease in the eye examination, which is called amblyopia. Although the two children are only 6 years old this year, they have started wearing glasses when they were more than 2 years old. It can be said that glasses accompanied them through most of their childhood. Parents also took their children for treatment, but there was no significant improvement in vision.

I heard from friends that the vision training program of Xiangtan Aier Ophthalmology Department is very effective. The mother of the child immediately brought the child to the doctor. checked. Knowing that the younger sister in the twins has accommodative esotropia, Director Hu suggested that both parents do visual training in the hospital for both children. Before the completion of one course of treatment, the vision of the two children with glasses has improved significantly. After more than ten visual training sessions, the vision with glasses has made a qualitative leap. “Xiangtan Aier Eye Hospital is not only professional, but also has a good service attitude. It is very enthusiastic and trustworthy for us. The key is to be effective. I am very grateful! My two children’s weak problems finally have a solution.” The child’s mother put up Thumb couldn’t help but praise.

Director Hu Yue reminds parents that the sooner amblyopia is treated, the better, as the golden period of children’s visual development will be missed, and the chance of recovery will decrease exponentially. Especially in children over 12 years old, there is little hope of cure for amblyopia, and some types of strabismus can only be corrected by surgery, and cannot restore normal binocular vision (stereoscopic vision).

Although the success rate of amblyopia treatment decreased with the increase of patient age. However, treatment should be done regardless of the patient’s age. The treatment of amblyopia is mainly to correct the refractive error and to promote the use of the amblyopic eye by covering the eye with good vision. Visual function training will also play a role in improving the visual acuity of amblyopic eyes. Visual function training can help stimulate the “lazy” amblyopic eye and promote its return to normal vision and binocular vision. Healthy binocular vision requires normal simultaneous perception, fusion, and the establishment of fine dynamic stereopsis.

Correspondent Yuan Yao

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