The 6 most famous dishes in Gansu, delicious and delicious, you can easily make them at home

Speaking of Gansu, everyone can’t help but think of the Hexi Corridor, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes and the unique Danxia landform in Zhangye. Gansu’s food has strong northwest flavor and ethnic flavor, which is unforgettable and has an unforgettable aftertaste.

The following 6 dishes are the most famous 6 dishes in Gansu. They are delicious and delicious, and you can easily make them at home.

Course 1: Lanzhou Beef Noodles

1. Prepare fresh beef and cut it into pieces and put it in a bowl, then prepare 3 green onions , a few dried peppers, a handful of peppercorns, 3 strawberries, half a ginger, and half a handful of salt, put them in a bowl for later use, wrap the material bag with gauze, and add water to the pot to cook the beef.

2. Take a small half spoon of edible salt or alkali, dissolve it in warm water, and pour it into the flour. Add salt or alkali to the flour, stir it with chopsticks to form a floc, and knead with your hands. When the surface is basically smooth, sprinkle a little dry flour on the bottom, and then use a basin to buckle the dough for 20 minutes.

3. Forming: Pull the noodles by hand to the thickness of half a chopstick, add a spoonful of salt and put them in the pot.

4. Put the cooked noodles into a bowl, add beef broth, beef slices, scoop a few spoonfuls of chili oil, and add some chives and coriander, and you’re done.

The second course: Hezhou steamed buns

1. We prepare half a catty of beef, 3 or 4 carrots, 1 green onion, appropriate amount of vegetable oil, salt, pepper noodles, MSG.

2. Take out the fermented flour, add an appropriate amount of baking soda and keep kneading, then cut into strips and roll into a bun skin.

3. Shred carrots, cut beef into minced meat, cut green onions into small pieces, find a larger container, put shredded carrots, minced beef and green onions into the container and add salt, pepper noodles, monosodium glutamate, and vegetable oil. After that, stir well, and taste to taste.

4. Hold the bun skin in your hand, put the prepared filling in, and then twist your right hand from left to right to form folds, and finally adjust the filling.

5. Rub the vegetable oil on the bottom of the steamer, slowly put the steamed buns one by one, cover the pot, and steam for 15 minutes. After they are cooked, put them on a plate, and dip them in balsamic vinegar and chili oil. tasty.

The 3rd course: Dongxiang hand-caught mutton

1. Prepare about 2 pounds of lamb chops, 5 star anise, 4 fennel, 1 piece of ginger, 1 piece of cinnamon, half a handful of peppercorns, 10g of balsamic vinegar, and a little coriander.

2. Add water, lamb chops and ginger to the pot. After boiling, skim off the minced meat, then add salt, peppercorns, cinnamon, star anise, fennel and other previously prepared seasonings, and then simmer on low heat for 20 minutes about.

3. After cooking, take it out and let it cool, then cut it into pieces with a knife and put it on a plate.

4. Finally, adjust the seasoning according to personal preferences. You can add chili noodles, balsamic vinegar, and coriander. For Gansu people, mutton with garlic is the eternal god. Such a smooth operation can be done The Dongxiang hand-grabbed mutton is tender and firm, and it is full of color and flavor.

Track 5: Slurry Surface

1. The most important thing in the slurry surface is the slurry water, which is made by fermentation. We must first prepare flour, radish, slurry water, half a spring onion, half a garlic sprout, and salt. , chili oil, appropriate amount of pepper.

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2. Heat oil in a pot and add chopped green onion to scald until fragrant. Pour in the slurry and mix thoroughly. After boiling, put it into a bowl for later use.

3. After reconciling, roll out and cut into long and thin noodles by hand, boil the noodles and put them in a bowl, then scoop a few spoonfuls of the prepared slurry, and finally add coriander, a bowl of delicious slurry noodles is done. .

4. You can also stir-fry 2-3 more dishes, such as tiger-skin chili peppers, stir-fried pork with green peppers, and stir-fried pork with garlic moss. Using these dishes to slurp the water and eat them will make you feel refreshed in the hot summer.


Course 6: Linxia Potato Stirring

1. Prepare 5 catties of potato, clean the soil, and put it in a container for later use.

Peel the potato and cut it into thin slices, steam it in a steamer for about 20 minutes, take it out and let it cool, then put it into a container and mash it, and add 2. appropriate amount of flour (it may or may not be added according to personal taste), Knead into a smooth dough or beat with your hands until firm.

3. Put the prepared dough into a bowl, then add slurry water, mashed garlic, chopped green onion, chili oil, etc. At this point, a bowl of potato dough with Linxia flavor is ready. Mouthwatering.

Friends who come to Gansu must try these dishes, which are definitely local characteristics, and I’m sure you want to continue eating them next time!