The 38-year-old man’s three main blood vessels were blocked, and the doctor used a “vascular bridge” to save his life

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan Client, July 31 (Reporter Qi Yan, Correspondent Liu Shanshan) A 38-year-old man was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, a “senile disease” at a young age. It turned out that he was suffering from diabetes, but he was very “casual” in his treatment and diet, resulting in severe blockage of the three major blood vessels in the heart, which made it impossible to place stents for treatment. In the end, a team of experts from the Cardiac and Great Vascular Surgery of Wuhan Central Hospital successfully built three “vascular bridges” on his heart, which finally restored blood flow to the originally blocked blood vessels.

Mr. Zhang, who lives in Hankou, is 38 years old this year and was diagnosed with diabetes more than a year ago. Those who do not refuse. More than half a month ago, he went to Wuhan Central Hospital for treatment due to high blood sugar. After admission, Duan Weizhe, deputy chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology, found that his dorsal artery was occluded through lower extremity arteriography. He further traced the blood vessels of his heart and brain, and found that all three major blood vessels in his heart were blocked, especially the right coronary artery. Complete occlusion, 99% of the anterior descending branch, and 85% of the circumflex.

The ECG also suggested that he had an old myocardial infarction, but at this time, Mr. Zhang was still “feeling fine.” Due to serious vascular blockage, if not treated in time, patients may face massive myocardial infarction again at any time, leading to malignant arrhythmia, acute heart failure, and even sudden death. This situation can no longer be solved by placing a stent, and heart bypass is the best way. Subsequently, Mr. Zhang was transferred to the Cardiac and Great Vascular Surgery.

Generally, one artery and two veins are used in heart bypass surgery, but in the long run, the patency rate of vein bridge is far less than that of arterial bridge. Considering that the patient is relatively young, in order to allow the patient to obtain better long-term curative effect, the expert team of Cardiac and Great Vascular Surgery decided to build two “arterial bridges” and one “venous bridge” for the patient after careful discussion.

A team of cardiac and vascular surgeons operate on a patient.

After sufficient preoperative preparation, the director of the department, Shang Yuqiang, led the team to perform heart bypass surgery for Mr. Zhang. During the operation, the patient’s left radial artery was transplanted to the right coronary artery, and the breast The internal artery was transplanted to the anterior descending branch, and the great saphenous vein was transplanted to the circumflex branch and the blunt marginal branch as a sequential graft. After the operation, Mr. Zhang recovered well.

Shang Yuqiang, director of the Cardiac and Great Vascular Surgery Department of the hospital, said that people thought that coronary heart disease was a geriatric disease in the past, but now the trend of coronary heart disease younger is obvious, mainly related to bad living habits. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, obesity, irregular life, smoking, etc. are all high risk factors for coronary heart disease. Especially in patients with diabetes, due to neuropathy, the feeling of pain is weakened, and the symptoms are often not obvious. Even some patients have suffered severe myocardial ischemia, but they still have no special discomfort, which is easy to be ignored and missed. In addition, coronary heart disease caused by coronary artery disease is one of the serious complications of diabetes. Therefore, after diabetes is found, it is necessary to regularly track the lesions of important blood vessels in the body, and give early intervention and treatment.

Experts remind that to prevent coronary heart disease, it is necessary to change unhealthy lifestyles, avoid staying up late, quit smoking and limit alcohol, low-salt and low-fat diet, weight control, and proper exercise. Once the “three highs” chronic diseases are identified, active treatment should be taken to prevent the occurrence of adverse cardiovascular events.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]