The 33-year-old death case in Shanghai was diagnosed as sudden cardiac death! How to prevent? the doctor told you

On April 25, there were 52 new deaths related to the epidemic in Shanghai, of which the youngest was 33 years old. The 33-year-old case was diagnosed as “sudden cardiac death”. So, what exactly is sudden cardiac death? As a cardiologist, Dr. Zhang will tell you about it in detail today.

1. How is sudden cardiac death defined?

Sudden cardiac death refers to death that occurs within 1 hour of acute cardiac symptoms, or death due to cardiac causes within 24 hours without obvious symptoms.

In more popular terms, it is a sudden death from cardiac causes that occurs in a short period of time.

2. Sudden cardiac death is not a rare disease!

Sudden cardiac death is a rare disease that many people feel distant. Let me tell you that this disease is not a rare disease, and its incidence is not low. Relevant data show that in 2014, 230,000 people died of sudden cardiac death in the United States.

my country has a larger population base than the United States, and naturally more such diseases occur every year than the United States. A related study led by Beijing Fuwai Hospital shows that the number of sudden cardiac deaths in my country is about 540,000 every year. Roughly equivalent to 1 person every minute of the disease. Having said that, I guess no one will say that this is a rare disease.

3. Four major causes of sudden cardiac death

Sudden cardiac death has four major causes: the first cause is coronary heart disease, mainly due to acute myocardial infarction, accounting for approximately 75%; Cardiomyopathy ranks second, mainly dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, etc., accounting for about 10%-15%; the third is malignant arrhythmia, such as long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome and other diseases, About 5%-10%; sudden cardiac death caused by other factors finally accounted for 5%.

CHD is the most common cause

4. How to treat sudden cardiac death?

In the event of sudden cardiac death, the most effective treatments are high-quality CPR and early defibrillation with an AED. The sooner it is detected and treated, the better the outcome. This is also an important reason why many parts of our country have been calling on everyone to learn the use of AEDs for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, because it can save people. Even so, the success rate of treatment of sudden cardiac death is still less than 10%, which shows the danger of this disease.


5. How to prevent sudden cardiac death?

Speaking of the prevention of sudden cardiac death, Dr. Zhang, as a cardiologist, would like to remind everyone of two points:

First, for patients with coronary heart disease, it is a good way to prevent sudden death caused by coronary heart disease. .

Second, for structural non-ischemic cardiomyopathy such as dilated cardiomyopathy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in addition to early and regular treatment, acute genetic screening should also be noted. Some patients with high-risk genotypes have a high probability of sudden cardiac death and require further early intervention. The same is true for malignant arrhythmias, which require early detection, early intervention, and even genetic testing in some cases, in order to reduce the chance of sudden cardiac death. It should be noted that for some patients with genetic abnormalities, their relatives should also consider genetic testing under the guidance of professional doctors.

Genetic testing

In conclusion, sudden cardiac death doesIt is a nightmare for modern people. It is necessary for the whole people to raise their awareness of this disease, especially for some high-risk groups. Early detection and early treatment are required to minimize the chance of sudden cardiac death. #Elderlyyoudao#