The 33-year-old death case in Shanghai was a sudden cardiac death? Why did a seemingly healthy young man die suddenly?

During this period of time, the epidemic has always been on a severe trend.

Especially in Shanghai, there have not only been many new local cases, but even more deaths in the recent period, most of these deaths are elderly people with more serious chronic diseases. sick.

However, just on April 25, 52 new local deaths were reported in Shanghai, with an average age of 81.13 years old, but the youngest among these 52 cases was 33 years old, and this death case had previously Have been vaccinated against Covid-19 twice.

The 33-year-old death in Shanghai was of sudden cardiac death

On April 26, Shanghai held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control, and the new 33-year-old death case was a male, whose cause of death was sudden cardiac and respiratory arrest , died after resuscitation, and was diagnosed as sudden cardiac death.

How terrible is sudden cardiac death?

Be aware that failure of one precise part of the heart can threaten the health of the heart. At present, the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in my country is increasing.

According to statistics,my country has 330 million cardiovascular disease patients, including 13 million strokes, 11 million coronary heart disease, 5 million pulmonary heart disease, 8.9 million heart failure, 2.5 million rheumatic heart disease Disease, 2 million congenital heart disease, etc., especially sudden cardiac death as many as 550,000 people every year.

What are the causes of sudden cardiac death?

First, coronary heart disease

Severe coronary heart disease can lead to old myocardial infarction. According to clinical experience, if the disease is not effectively controlled, sudden cardiac death will always be induced, especially in the absence of systematic treatment and irregular medication, the incidence rate will be higher.

Second, abnormal heart rhythm

Clinically, tachycardia abnormalities include ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and ventricular flutter.

This malignant abnormal heart rhythm affects the efficient discharge of the heart, resulting in a sharp drop in blood pressure, and the patient is prone to sudden cardiac death.

Third, drug poisoning

Drug poisoning can lead to sudden cardiac death, the most common being digitalis poisoning, which is a cardiotonic. very dangerous.

In addition, severe acidosis, hyperkalemia, and hypokalemia can also lead to sudden cardiac death and patients should be careful.

As scary as sudden death is, there are signs of unexplained chest pain, panic, poor breathing, abnormal heart rhythm, increased blood pressure, dark eyes, limbs Numbness and other symptoms, etc.

Once these manifestations occur, it is necessary to suspect sudden cardiac death. At this time, it is recommended that the patient go to the hospital for physical examination in time. When abnormal conditions are found, symptomatic treatment can be avoided to avoid life-threatening safety.

Sudden cardiac death, increasing risk of sudden death in young adults

Clinical sudden death refers to sudden death, mainly because the heart suddenly stops beating. The causes of sudden death are extremely complicated, but most of them are related to cardiovascular disease.

According to the data of “China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2019”: It is estimated that my country will increase by 544,000 annuallyA case of sudden cardiac death also means: every minute, there is a sudden sudden death of a person.

Many people mistakenly believe that cardiovascular disease usually occurs in older people.

But in fact, the overall cardiovascular mortality rate in my country has shown a rapid upward trend in the past 30 years, from 205/100,000 in 1990 to 2019. 322/100,000, the death rate per 100,000 is 1.6 times that of 30 years ago.

In the past two decades, the proportion of deaths among young people has increased significantly. Behind these increases, it is mainly closely related to our various active and passive unhealthy living habits.

As a result, we are often a little surprised when the tragedy of sudden death occurs.

Especially those young and middle-aged people who seem to be “healthy”, but in fact most of them already suffer from coronary heart disease, but they usually don’t have any obvious symptoms, and they don’t have targeted examinations.

If you encounter overwork, or stress, etc., it will eventually lead to tragedy.

So, are we thinking about whether some inconspicuous bad habits in our daily life are pushing us to the abyss of death step by step?

Through this tragedy, we are not only aware of the power of the new coronavirus, but also thinking about whether we have some bad habits.

Change, it’s not too late to start today.


【1】Outline of China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2019 [J]. Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2020,20 (05):437~450.

【2】Chen Haozhu, Zhong Nanshan, Lu Zaiying. Internal Medicine ~ 9th Edition [M]. People’s Health Publishing House, 2018.