The 24-year-old boy suddenly had black eyes because the film fell off

Oda, who was lying on the hospital bed, has not regained his senses yet. Why did he suddenly lose sight of his right eye?

It was dark in front of him, and the guy lost vision in his right eye

A few days ago, Oda, who lives in Taicheng, got up as usual and felt that his right eye was seeing Gone, “I am nearsighted of about 1000 degrees, I always look for glasses when I wake up, and I can’t see clearly without glasses. When I opened my eyes that day, I felt black in front of my right eye, and I couldn’t see with glasses. I thought it would be fine for a while. I didn’t expect to see improvement after one day, and the next day. I came to the hospital for a check, and the doctor said that the retina of my right eye was detached.” Oda recalled.

High myopia causes retinal detachment

According to Fan Chuanfeng, director of Tai’an Guangming Aier Eye Hospital and an eye fundus expert, “people see things clearly and feel Color depends on the innermost retina of the eyeball. This film is equivalent to the image sensor of a digital camera. Light passes through the eyeball to form an image on the retina, and the retina converts the image into a signal, which is then transmitted to the brain for processing through the optic nerve. Only then can we see the colorful world clearly.”

However, a good retina, why does it fall off?

Fan Chuanfeng explained that the retina can be simply divided into the neuroepithelial layer and the pigment epithelial layer, and there is a potential gap between the two, because Oda’s myopia is too high, more than 600 degrees, which belongs to In people with high myopia, the pathological change of high myopia is the elongation of the eye axis. For every 1mm increase in the axial length of the eye, the degree of myopia increases by 300 degrees. A normal person’s eye axis is 24mm, and high myopia eye axis is generally more than 27mm. The longer the eye axis will make the eyeball wall thinner, and the degenerative pathological changes in various layers of tissue will easily lead to complications of high myopia. Retinal detachment is the most important. One of the common complications.

Focus Schematic (Photo courtesy of Haiyue Yu)

Retina repaired successfully, the guy found it again Vision

Fan Chuanfeng arranged surgery for Oda immediately after seeing his condition. Atrophy and degeneration occur, causing irreversible damage to visual function.” Fan Chuanfeng said.

The operation was successful, Oda’s retina was reattached, and his vision was basically restored, but he needed regular fundus review.

Comparison before and after surgery (photo courtesy of Haiyue)

There is no age for fundus disease, regular Examination is very important

Fan Chuanfeng reminded that from the current patients, there are more and more people with retinal detachment in the younger group. Myopia, prolonged eye use, and trauma have a great impact on young people’s vision. Especially for people with high myopia, the eye axis is longer than normal people, and retinal detachment is also very likely to occur after visual fatigue or strenuous exercise. Therefore, there is no age limit for fundus diseases. Regular eye health examination is very important. Typical symptoms of ”: a large number of black shadows suddenly appear in front of the eyes, there is a flash of light whether the eyes are open or closed, and vision loss is obvious. It is necessary to seek medical treatment in a professional eye hospital in time, and it is recommended that people at high risk of retinal detachment should be treated every six months to one year. Do a fundus examination. Timely detection of eye diseases and timely and active treatment, so as to avoid irreversible vision damage.

(Correspondent Yu Haiyue)