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Up to 7% less carbs

Wake up, “white kidney beans” can’t help you “eat” and not gain weight< /p>

It’s not just carbohydrates that make us fat. In contrast, the various sugars added in refined foods are the main cause of weight loss failure, and the body does not need amylase to absorb these sugars, so it is not scientific to rely on carb blockers to lose weight, it is just us Instead of indulging in “hey eat” excuses, go for a healthy helper.

Dong Haiyun, Director of the Clinical Nutrition Center of Qinghai University Affiliated Hospital

The weather is getting hotter, and it is the season of losing weight. A carb blocker product containing “white kidney bean extract” appears On many e-commerce platforms, it has been labelled as a “big meal savior” by some weight loss bloggers. The manufacturer claims that taking it before eating a staple food can block the absorption of high-carbohydrate foods and help stabilize blood sugar.

So, what exactly is “white kidney bean extract”? Can it really help us “block” carbs?

Reporters from Science and Technology Daily interviewed relevant experts in response to the above-mentioned issues.

Can only block a very small amount of carbohydrate absorption

Data show that the biological name of white kidney beans is multiflora bean. The bean genus of the subfamily Phyllophyta, one of the major subfamilies.

“‘White kidney bean extract’ is rich in alpha-amylase inhibitors (hereinafter referred to as amylase inhibitors), which can inhibit the activity of alpha-amylase and increase the amylase activity in the human oral cavity and pancreas. It has the effect of inhibiting salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase, so that starch cannot be completely decomposed into small molecular monosaccharides and absorbed by the human body.” Dong Haiyun, director of the Clinical Nutrition Center of Qinghai University Affiliated Hospital, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily. , Since the substance is extracted from plants or contains some lectins, it may increase the level of certain hormones in the body and slow down the rate of gastric emptying after meals.

Sounds like this, it really seems to make people “hey and eat without getting fat”, is it really true?

Research data show that under ideal conditions, amylase inhibitors can inhibit 50% to 65% of amylase activity. “However, it should be noted that the remaining 35% of amylase that is not inhibited is enough to allow the body to completely absorb the starch contained in a meal. Even the strongest amylase inhibitors can only inhibit at safe doses. 97% amylase activity. But unfortunately, the data from this study showed that it only helped people reduce their starch intake by 7%.” Dong Haiyun said.

At the same time, Dong Haiyun said that the human body absorbs starch not only by amylase, but also by other “colleagues” to help it share the work, so even if the activity of amylase is completely inhibited, it will not be able to achieve zero starch. intake.

“Besides that, it’s not just carbohydrates that make us fat. In contrast, the various sugars added to processed foods are the main cause of weight loss, and the body absorbs These sugars do not require amylase.” Dong Haiyun said, so it is not scientific to rely on carbohydrate blockers to lose weight, it is just a helper for us to get healthy, not an excuse to indulge in “hey eat”.

In addition to helping lose weight, carb blockers can also lower blood sugar in the body, so many diabetics are also rushing to buy them. “It is best for diabetic patients to take carbohydrate blockers after meals, which can inhibit starch absorption, reduce the rise in blood sugar, and stabilize the condition. However, diabetic patients must take it under the guidance of a professional doctor. Buy and use by yourself.” Dong Haiyun added.

Long-term overdose may lead to hypoglycemia

Compared with its weight loss and hypoglycemic effects, many consumers are more concerned about the safety of carbohydrate blockers.

Dong Haiyun said that, as a pure natural biologically active substance, after entering the human body, amylase inhibitors will be excreted through the gastrointestinal tract without entering the blood circulation system and do not act on the brain center, so It does not suppress appetite, conforms to the weight loss principles of the World Health Organization, and is approved by the Ministry of Health. It can be used as a regular food or added to dietary supplements, beverages or pet food.

“However, long-term and excessive use of amylase inhibitors may lead to problems such as fatigue and lack of energy in the body. In severe cases, it may lead to hypoglycemia, and then more uncomfortable symptoms, such as anemia, syncope, etc. Wait.” Dong Haiyun reminded, “Generally speaking, it is safe to consume no more than 10 grams of amylase inhibitors per day. However, taking amylase inhibitors may cause intestinal problems such as flatulence and diarrhea, and it is usually easy to flatulence and diarrhea. should be used with caution.”

◎Reporter Zhang Yun