The 2022 new version of the “Eating Guide” is here! The “Oriental Diet Mode” is proposed for the first time, and the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai diet mode has become a healthy template, especially emphasizing that it is time to learn to buy vegetables and cook by yourself


At the end of April, the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” was released in Beijing, which is the follow-up to the 2016 edition The first update after 6 years.

Why update the dietary guidelines?

First of all, we need to know that there are problems with the current dietary patterns of Chinese residents.

Professor Yang Yuexin, Chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society and Director of the Expert Committee on Revision of Dietary Guidelines, introduced that according to the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Chinese Nutrition Society According to the monitoring data of the joint study (every ten years from 1982 to 2012, and every five years after 2012), Chinese people’s dietary structure has undergone tremendous changes span>——

In 1982, protein energy malnutrition was still very high, and micronutrient deficiencies were also very common , Up to now, our energy and protein deficiencies are relatively much less, and the incidence of children’s growth retardation has dropped from a relatively high 10% to less than 2% now; but at the same time, according to the latest 2018 data, the national overweight and obesity rate The prevalence of hypertension has reached 50.7%, the prevalence of hypertension among adults over the age of 18 has reached 27.5%, and the prevalence of diabetes has reached 11.9%.

“These are not genetic problems, because this is not a disease that Chinese people easily get, the key is that our way of life has changed, so We propose changes to dietary guidelines in response to changes in the disease spectrum.”

The “Oriental Diet Mode” is proposed for the first time

Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai diet mode becomes a healthy template

The 2019 Lancet compared diet and disease status in 195 countries, and China’s diet has been criticized as salty Too much intake, too much refined grains, and poor dietary performance. However, the healthy dietary patterns recommended by foreign diet lists every year, such as the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, are not practical for Chinese residents. Meal Patterns”.

Yang Yuexin, Chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society and Director of the Expert Committee on Revision of Dietary Guidelines, introduced that in the nutrition survey and In the investigation of chronic diseases, it was found that the dietary patterns of Jiangnan region represented by Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai and coastal regions such as Guangdong and Fujian were considered to be representatives of relatively healthy dietary patterns.

“Its main features arelight and less salt, a variety of foods, and cereals , rich in vegetables, fruits and soy products, often eat fish and shrimp and other aquatic products and milk, and have a high level of physical activity. This model avoids the lack of nutrients and the occurrence of obesity , and the occurrence of related chronic diseases, which increases life expectancy.”

Chang Cui, vice chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society and deputy director of the Dietary Guidelines Revision Expert Committee Qing Ze said: “For our people, the traditional dietary structure based on plant-based foods has been gradually westernized since the 1990s, and gradually changed to more animal-based food intake. Evidence from research on food and health also advocates a return to a dietary pattern based on plant-based foods.”

Chinese Resident Balanced Meal Plate (2022)

What nutritional recommendations are updated in the new guidelines?

How should I eat it?

What are the new nutritional recommendations in the new guidelines? How to follow the balanced diet guidelines in practice? V Gu Zhongyi, director of Beijing Dietitian Association and domestic dietitian university, made a specific analysis on this:

< strong>1.emphasizes whole grains (the old version only recommends eating more fruits and vegetables, milk and soybeans)

This time, eating more whole grains is directly added to the dietary guidelines. Whole grains have More protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, as well as some healthy plant compounds, and the epidemiological evidence for the health benefits of whole grains is plentiful.

01< /strong>How to eat?

Consider replacing at least one meal of the day with whole grain beans :

The most convenient breakfast is oatmeal, instant oatmeal can be added directly to cold milk or yogurt To eat, even if you need to cook oatmeal, you only need to add milk and heat it in the microwave for 2 minutes; if you have a regular rice cooker, soymilk maker, etc. at home, you can also make an appointment the night before to cook some millet porridge and mixed soymilk. You can also eat whole-grain breakfast quickly.

Dinner If you can cook dinner at home, you can eat brown rice, multigrain rice, etc. Whole grains such as black rice, brown rice, millet, quinoa, and mung beans are also very convenient to make, and they can be cooked directly with rice.

But if you have hard grains like red beans and barley, you can put them in the refrigerator before going out For soaking, there are even some better rice cookers, which can be cooked directly in the multigrain mode, and the red beans can be boiled soft without soaking in advance.

In addition, boiled corn, roasted sweet potatoes, and steamed multigrain steamed buns are also good choices. Use them in place of a main meal or with white rice.

2.Salt is further limited to below 5g

The intake of salt was not more than 6g in the previous edition, this This time, in line with the World Health Organization, the target of daily intake of no more than 5g is proposed. The evidence for the health effects of salt is very strong, such as the relationship with high blood pressure, the relationship with stroke, the relationship with gastric cancer, and the relationship with all-cause mortality. Daily salt intake.

The current actual situation is that only about 20% of people in the country consume less than 5g of salt per day. The average daily intake of people is 9, 10, 11g, so for most people, salt consumption must be reduced.

02How to eat?

Salt reduction is essentially solved by making the taste lighter, eating less processed food, paying attention to the basic taste of the food, and gradually reducing the amount of salt every day. use.

There are also some tips, such as using some natural ingredients and seasonings to increase the taste and enrich the taste. Such as tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, peppers, garlic, green onions…

In addition, you can choose low-sodium, salt-reduced soy sauce and other seasonings.

3.Increase in milk

This time the dairy product has been changed from the original 300g to 300-500g, which has nearly increased doubled.

My suggestion is that everyone can drink 500g of milk if they can. It’s all suggested.

03How to eat?

Dairy products include not only liquid milk, but also yogurt, cheese, and more. The easiest is to drink a glass of milk for breakfast, add a cup of yogurt at noon or afternoon, or a few slices of cheese.

As for how to convert the amount, you can convert it with the same amount of protein according to different products, such as 100g milk It can be converted into about 10g cheese, 12.5g milk powder, and about the same amount of yogurt.

4.Animal food combined to 120-200g strong>

This is just to combine the recommended amount and the original split in Together, in order to make it easier for everyone to prepare meals, eggs, aquatic products, red meat and white meat are all grouped together, which is easy to calculate and remember. I can understand this very well.

04How to eat?

As recommended by the guidelines: 2 times a week for aquatic products, 1 times a day eggs, and then control the total amount to enrich the variety.

When it comes to eggs, many people may think of the topic of cholesterol: this dietary guide also reminds Now, for a healthy person, cholesterol intake does not need to be considered. But if you really suffer from a certain disease, such as high blood lipids, you still have to limit your cholesterol intake.

5.Cereal Yam Split

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The grains and potatoes were originally put together. The reason why they are separated is that it is easy to misunderstand and it is impossible to clearly distinguish how many grains or potatoes should be eaten. The current revision clarifies this issue more clearly, cereals should be 200-300 grams, of which whole grains or mixed beans should be 50-150 grams; in addition, 50-100 grams of potatoes should be eaten.

05How to eat?

Cereal and potato, you may feel the difference at first glance (Hey, the staple food has become less?), but no, there is no difference in the total amount, but the cereals and potatoes were originally listed together, the total recommended amount is 250-400g, this time the potatoes are split out .

The common potato foods are sweet potatoes, potatoes, taro, and yams. On the one hand, they accumulate a lot of Starch can supplement calories and can be eaten as a staple food. On the other hand, it can also supplement vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, carotene, etc. that are lacking in white rice noodles.

6.Eat regular meals and drink plenty of water

This is also a new addition to the new dietary guidelines, the reason for adding regular meals , because the proportion of people who eat regularly is decreasing year by year, so we must be more vigilant.

There are clear tables in the book of the new guide, everyone should learn to judge whether the body is dehydrated . It can be judged by looking at the amount of urination and the color of the urine. Different colors such as dark yellow, yellowish, yellow, light yellow, transparent, transparent yellow, etc., reflect that the body is in a state of water sufficiency and water shortage. Judgment is a very good tool.

06How to eat?

Drinking water is mainly for adults, while men and women with light physical activity are 1700ml and 1500ml. When it comes to drinking enough water, drink a small amount of water many times, and drink water actively, not when you are thirsty.

The recommended water to drink is tea and plain water, no or less sugary drinks, and no drinks to replace plain water , because eating more sugar has no benefit, but rather increases the risk of overweight and obesity.

Additional guidelines for special emphasis:

“Knowing how to cook, choose, and read labels”

This year’s Nutrition Week Theme –

The official urges you to learn to buy vegetables and cook

Having said so much, if you take out food every day, it is still difficult to control the dietary ingredients and ingredient content.

Among the eight criteria, the newly added “Knowing how to cook, choose, and read labels” is the theme of this year’s upcoming Nutrition Week. Why pay special attention to this item?

“I choose this because I hope everyone can get started, learn shopping, cooking, and practice dietary guidelines; ordering food outside China is a complete No. 1 in the world, what did we order?The top 20 are meat, fried, and spicy, no vegetables, no aquatic products, I hope everyone pays attention to how to plan their own

Yang Yuexin, chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society, said, first, knowing food is very important, so in the This guideline puts forward a point of view, to learn to buy food, that is to say, to buy food, you must first recognize and know that the nutritional characteristics of each food are different, the categories are different, and the nutrient density is also different; so From the point of view of recognizing food, we need to learn the categories of food and their nutritional value, and from the point of view of prepackaged food, we must learn to recognize food by looking at the label.

With regard to food labels, the National Health and Health Commission is concerned about the GB14880 Hygienic Standard for the Use of Food Nutrition Fortifiers and the GB28050 General Standard for Prepackaged Food Nutrition Labeling They are all in the process of revision – for example, the mandatory labeling content has added mandatory labeling requirements for saturated fatty acids and sugar content on the basis of the original energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate and sodium.

“Can cook, choose, and read labels”——I hope everyone can learn to design one by themselves. Eat three meals a day, make better use of food, reduce salt, oil, and sugar, cook at home, and enjoy the natural deliciousness of food.

Urban Express · Orange Persimmon Interactive Reporter Zhang Beijia