The 2022 edition of the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” is here! Experts emphasize these 8 points for healthy eating!

After 6 years, the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” is finally updated! You don’t have to read the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2016” in the future~ Reading the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2022” is more scientific and instructive for Chinese people! Chinese Nutrition Society YYDSWhat can we learn from the new guide? Come check it out with Mommy today! What has been updated in the guide?

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2016 Version

version 2022

Variety of food, mainly cerealsDiverse food and reasonable collocation
Eat a balanced, healthy weightEat a balanced, healthy weight
Eat more Fruits and vegetables, dairy, soyeat more vegetables, dairy, whole grains, soy
Eat fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat in moderationEat fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat in moderation
Less salt and less Oil, Sugar Control, Limit AlcoholLess Salt, Less Oil, Sugar Control, Limit Alcohol
Eliminate waste and create new food styles Eat regular meals and drink plenty of water
Can cook, choose, and read labels
Share meals with chopsticks and eliminate waste

Guide Interpretation1. Diverse food and reasonable collocation strong>From grain-based to emphasizing reasonable collocation, it tells us not only to pay attention to the diverse intake of food, but also to pay attention to the reasonable collocation of food varieties in our daily diet, including the collocation of thickness, meat and vegetables, and color. (Du Mom: On average, more than 12 kinds of food are eaten every day~)2. Eat and move Balance, healthy weightEating and balancing requires us not only to keep our mouths shut, but also to stretch our legs to achieve a balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Exercise that can persevere and persevere is the best exercise.

  • Every age group should be physically active every day to maintain a healthy weight.

  • Do not overeat and maintain energy balance.

  • Adhere to daily physical activity, at least 5 days a week of moderate-intensity physical activity for a total of more than 150 minutes; active physical activity is preferably 6,000 steps per day .

  • Encourage appropriate high-intensity aerobic exercise and strengthen resistance exercise, 2-3 days a week.

  • Reduce sedentary time by getting up and moving every hour.

3. Eat more vegetables, milk, whole grains, soybeans; New resident diet Guidelines emphasize increasing intake of whole grains. Over-processed fine grains can cause loss of dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins, which are not good for health. (Too mom: eat no less than 300g of fresh vegetables every day, and dark vegetables should account for half)< span>4. Eat fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat in moderationFish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat are all important sources of high-quality protein, but you should also pay attention to proper intake, ” The Chinese Residents’ Balanced Diet Pagoda (2022)” recommends that each person consume 120-200 grams of animal food per day. 5. Less salt and less oil, sugar control and alcohol limit “Chinese Residents’ Balanced Diet Pagoda (2022)” recommends that each person consume no More than 5 grams of salt(Du Mom: Did you buy a salt control spoon?). At present, the average daily intake of Chinese residents is more than 9 grams, far exceeding the recommended amount. The same is true of oil intake. Reducing oil, salt, sugar, and small behavior changes can bring great benefits to health. 6. Eat regular meals and drink enough waterThree meals a day should be regular to ensure that meals are eaten on time and in quantity. Drink plenty of water. Healthy adult women consume 1500 ml of water per person per day and adult men 1700 ml per person per day. (Too Mom: Always forget to drink water? You can set a “water alarm clock” on your phone to remind yourself)7, can cook, choose, and read labels span>Health starts with the purchase of food, to be healthy, choose wisely, and cook food. When choosing prepackaged foods, pay attention to reading the information on the labels, and use nutrition labels and food labels to guide food choices. 8. Divide meals with public chopsticks and eliminate wasteDining meals with public chopsticks is a manifestation of dietary civilization< span>(Toot mother: at least the baby’s tableware should be distinguished separately) . It is our fine tradition to cherish and save food. Start with the family, start with everyone, and practice a healthy lifestyle. New Diet PagodaGuide to eat like this every day1. Emphasize whole grains: grains 200~300 gram. Including 50~150 grams of whole grains and beans; 50~100 grams of potatoes. Remind everyone to eat potatoes, whole grains and beans, and refined grains. 2. Eat aquatic products at least twice a week. Compared with animal meat, aquatic products are lower in fat and contain fatty acids that are more conducive to protecting the cardiovascular system. 3. Specially propose eat an egg every day. An egg a day can supplement the high-quality protein needed by the body and improve the individual’s immunity. 4. Increase the intake of milk and dairy products, and the recommended amount is increased to 300-500g. Milk is an important source of high-quality protein and calcium. 5, The salt limit is further increased to <5 grams. Numerous studies have shown that excessive salt intake increases the risk of diseases such as hypertension and stroke. <— /strong>Welcome to leave a message to discussDon’t forget to [clicklike] span> and [watching]Oh~