Thanks for Mother’s Day! Liaocheng Huaxia Ophthalmology Presbyopia Cataract High-quality Visual Exchange Meeting was a complete success

Dazhong Net·Poster News reporter Yuan Zhiwei correspondent Zhang Panpan Liaocheng report

Lovely May Day , Thanks for Mother’s Day. On May 8, on Mother’s Day, in order to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of honoring parents and cherishing family affection, and creating a good social atmosphere of gratitude and caring for mothers, Liaocheng Huaxia Eye Hospital held a “clearer love for mothers”. – The Mother’s Day Thanksgiving Event of the Presbyopia Cataract High-Quality Vision Exchange Meeting of Liaocheng Huaxia Eye Hospital. Ren Chunhui, the leader of the cataract discipline, was invited to share the knowledge of presbyopia cataract on the spot. The professional explanation won continuous applause and won unanimous praise from everyone.

At the same time, Liaocheng Huasha The eye hospital also presented gifts such as carnations and souvenirs to mothers to express their care and love for mothers. In addition, Ren Chunhui also shared knowledge about eye diseases with the elderly present, answered questions face-to-face, and conducted one-to-one communication to help them understand their eye health status, so as to achieve early detection and early treatment of eye diseases, so as to improve the eye health of the elderly. Escort.