Temperature changes in early spring

After the rainy and solar terms, the temperature is still low. When heating your home, you should tighten the safety string to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Recently, I learned from Jiaozhou Hospital, Dongfang Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University, that during the first month, the emergency department has not received any cases of carbon monoxide poisoning. Be vigilant.

“At present, it is cold in spring, and hazy weather often occurs, which will cause low air pressure and high humidity. The soot exhausted to the outside can easily be poured back into the room, causing carbon monoxide poisoning. In mild cases, headache, dizziness, nausea, Vomiting and other symptoms can lead to coma, incontinence, and even life-threatening in severe cases,” said Wang Baowei, an attending physician in the emergency department of Jiaozhou Hospital, Dongfang Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University.

In recent years, with the increase of publicity efforts, citizens have a deeper understanding of the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning, and the number of related cases has decreased year by year. I hope that the general public will develop good living habits in their daily lives and use coal stoves correctly for heating. If carbon monoxide poisoning occurs, don’t panic. Timely and correct handling can ensure the personal safety of the poisoned.

“Quickly open the windows for ventilation, remove the patient from the poisoning environment, and call 120 for treatment. Finally, remind the general public: firstly, isolate the fire room from the bedroom; secondly, ventilate and keep it in the bedroom. Good ventilation; call the police three times, and call 120 in time when family members have symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning such as headaches and dizziness.” Wang Baowei said.