TCM Strategy & Anti-epidemic|Fujian Answer Sheet: Ensuring Everyone Uses TCM

Since March 13, the epidemic situation in Quanzhou, Fujian has been fierce. The Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government attach great importance to the important role of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and point out that in accordance with the “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Version 9)”, the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine are adhered to.

The first time to set up a provincial TCM medical team

As soon as the epidemic broke out, the Fujian Provincial Health and Health Commission immediately set up a provincial-level TCM medical team. Medical experts, infectious disease experts, etc., went to the Quanzhou area where the epidemic was the most serious. After in-depth understanding of the epidemic situation on the front line, according to the requirements of Huang Ruxin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, all the designated treatment hospitals, isolation points, and Fangcang shelter hospitals should use traditional Chinese medicine, and Chinese and Western medicine should be coordinated; some key closed and controlled areas should also be Use Chinese medicine.

On March 15th, the Chengdong District of Quanzhou First Hospital was opened to treat patients as a designated hospital for treating COVID-19 in Quanzhou. On March 16th, experts from the provincial TCM medical team entered the designated hospital. Guiding the diagnosis and treatment of Chinese medicine for the new crown epidemic in Quanzhou.

The provincial TCM medical team is headed by Vice President Li Qin of Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital of Fujian Medical University, and Chief Physician Chen Zhibin of the Second People’s Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine serves as the deputy team leader. Also on the front line are Jin Yishun, deputy chief physician of Fujian Provincial Hospital, Zhang Chuanlin, deputy chief physician of the Second Provincial People’s Hospital, and Hong Meizhu, deputy chief physician of Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital.

Develop a “Consensus” to ensure that Chinese medicine is used by everyone

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, provincial-level Chinese medicine experts such as Li Qin and Chen Zhibin have repeatedly charged into the front line to guide the front-line anti-epidemic, and have rich experience. In the face of the outbreak of the epidemic in the province, their inner sense of mission as a doctor arose again spontaneously.

On the evening of March 15, Li Qin and Chen Zhibin, as the chairman of the Infectious Disease Branch and the chairman of the Respiratory Disease Branch of the Fujian Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, have convened Chinese medicine experts in the province to discuss together. Based on the national anti-epidemic experience, according to the current round of the epidemic situation in the province and the clinical characteristics, the “Fujian Province Expert Consensus on the Prevention and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (2022)” with Traditional Chinese Medicine was preliminarily discussed and drafted.

At noon on March 16, on the high-speed rail to Quanzhou, they revised the “Consensus” again, and proposed that the new crown prevention party should be delegated to the primary medical and health units to prepare for close contact at various isolation points. It can be used by patients, close contacts, frontline staff of epidemic prevention and control, and medical staff.

After arriving in Quanzhou, facing the situation of many patients and few TCM doctors, the TCM expert group and local hospital leaders discussed the formation and working system of the TCM team, and urgently dispatched 4 local TCM doctors in Quanzhou , forming a 9-person TCM team, so that each ward is equipped with a TCM doctor who is responsible for it. Immediately, the team went deep into the isolation ward, collected first-hand information of patients through traditional Chinese medicine, observed and recorded the changes in the condition, consulted and discussed, and further revised the “Fujian Province Expert Consensus on Prevention and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (2022)” with Chinese Medicine 11 contract prescriptions were made.

Volunteers carrying traditional Chinese medicine

“Asymptomatic infection and mild patients, according to different syndrome types, use different agreement prescriptions; severe symptoms and special patients, according to the principle of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment, to issue traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, take one person per one person Treatment.” Professor Li Qin introduced that at present, the adult ward has achieved that everyone has traditional Chinese medicine, and everyone uses traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, a special person is arranged to guide the patient to scan and fill in the TCM syndrome questionnaire, and take photos of the tongue coating. Based on this, the TCM physician closely observes the efficacy and adverse reactions of the patient after taking the drug, so that the treatment plan can be adjusted every day and majorly adjusted every three days.

Chief Physician Chen Zhibin introduced that this round of Quanzhou’s local new crown cases are mostly mild, common and asymptomatic infections, and fever symptoms are more common; from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the current round of epidemics is different from previous The epidemic outbreak in Putian is not much different, mainly wind and heat attacking the health, but it is different from the characteristics of the nationwide epidemic (mainly damp heat); most of the patients are young and middle-aged, and their condition is relatively stable, and there is no severe or critical illness. In terms of treatment, Chinese and Western medicine cooperates with each other, and provincial and municipal Chinese medicine cooperates closely, and the treatment work is carried out in an orderly manner.

For the insufficient TCM treatment of pediatric patients, the Fujian Provincial Health and Health Commission urgently dispatched Chief Physician Yuan Dan, Fuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to support, so that pediatric patients can be treated with special personnel, prescriptions and medicines. .

At the same time as the work of the designated treatment hospital was carried out in an orderly manner, on March 20, when the Quanzhou “Huoweishan” Fangcai Hospital was opened, the provincial Chinese medicine treatment team dispatched by the Fujian Provincial Health and Health Commission also in place.

Traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role again and again in the past SARS epidemics and new coronary pneumonia epidemics, ensuring that ordinary patients do not become severe, mild patients recover faster, and those who are not sick do not sick. Experts said that in the current round of local epidemics in Fujian Province, traditional Chinese medicine will also play an important role in repelling the epidemic as soon as possible.