Talking about the Use of Longdan Xiegan Decoction

On the use of Longdan Xiegan Decoction: According to Dr. Chen, Longdan Xiegan Decoction is actually a common clinical prescription; The soup is composed of gentian, scutellaria, mountain gardenia, mutong, plantain, Alisma, Shengdi, angelica, bupleurum, licorice and other flavors. “Medical Prescription Jijie” treats the liver and gallbladder meridians with excessive fire and damp-heat; hypochondral pain and deafness, gallbladder overflow pain, muscle atrophy and yin sweating, yin swelling and yin pain, and white turbid blood. Clinical practice has proved that this prescription has a miraculous effect on jaundice, vaginal itching, epistaxis, deafness, tinnitus and other symptoms of liver meridian damp-heat. Such as dialectical flexible addition and subtraction, its role is more extensive. Here is a brief introduction to the case of Xiao Zijing, a famous doctor in Fujian, who used this prescription to treat tinnitus; tinnitus is one syndrome, and the etiology is complicated, but the general pathogenesis is nothing more than two types of false and true. Deficiency syndrome is mostly caused by deficiency of kidney and yin fire or excessive use of brain. If the tinnitus is caused by the fire of the liver and gallbladder meridians, taking Longdan Xiegan Decoction, the curative effect is satisfactory. Case: Zhuang Moumou, male, 30 years old. The previous feeling of wind and heat, the appearance of evil and the inability to reach outside, the accumulation of steam and the fire, then the tinnitus is violent, the sound is like cicada chirping, the sound is calm, and it does not decrease, the head is dizzy, upset, insomnia, red tongue , thin yellow fur, pulse string number. This is the accumulation of wind-heat and residual pathogens to transform into fire, which stimulates the two meridians of the liver and gallbladder. Prescription: gentian, raw land, skullcap, raw gardenia, Alisma, Mutong, angelica, Bupleurum, psyllium, raw licorice. After taking 2 doses of the above medicine, the symptoms suddenly decreased, and then 2 doses were cured. The onset of tinnitus syndrome is slow and rapid, and the pathogenesis is deficiency and excess. The evidence in this case mostly belongs to the real fire of the gallbladder (liver) meridian of Sanjiao. Clinical testimony shows that the syndrome of Sanjiao and gallbladder (liver) fire should be used for treatment. Disclaimer: If any treatment or health care method is involved in the article, it is for reference only. If you have a friend who needs to use it, please consult a professional doctor before using it, and I will not be responsible for it. Relevant posts posted by me in WeChat group, Moments and other channels are welcome to reprint; if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.