Talk about the treatment of stubborn skin itching

Talk about the treatment of stubborn pruritus: Dr. Chen said that the so-called stubborn pruritus is actually related to blood stasis, deficiency, and damp heat, so it will not heal. The Eight Immortals cross the sea and each has their own magical powers; if it is expanded, it is really endless; here is a brief introduction to the treatment method based on a case of stubborn itching caused by damp heat, and here is combined with the case of Professor Feng Jinming, a famous Chinese medicine doctor. Case: Sun Mou , female, 30 years old. Diagnosed in early summer of 1939. Chief Complaint: Itching all over the body, uneasy day and night. Under scratching, red spots appeared with the claw marks, and then it became more itchy. Often feel that the hands are not enough, the claws can not be solved, must be scratched hard, the skin is broken and the water is released, and the itching is slightly lighter. In order to relieve the itching, I took apart a bamboo curtain and tied it tightly with a rope. When the itching was severe, I rubbed the whole bamboo strip vertically on my body. The skin was covered with bloodstains, and I felt relieved. The shirts he wears are often stained with blood, which has not been relieved by repeated treatments. Disturbed and restless every day. The pulse is floating and stringy, the tongue is purple, slightly covered with white coating, the mouth is dry and the lips are pale. The face is pale with pale yellow patches, and the chest and arms are covered with blood scabs as if being whipped. When the itching occurs, not only does it not hurt, but it feels refreshing. The pulse disease is combined, close to the blood wind. The disease is caused by the excess of damp-heat in the liver and spleen meridians, the deficiency of the blood sea, and the entry of wind and cold, which competes with damp-heat and flows in the meridians. It is suitable to evacuate rheumatism, so that the accumulation of poison can be leaked. Recipe: Qianghuo, Nepeta, Poria, Silkworm, dried tangerine peel, Huoxiang, Fangji, Fangfeng, Atractylodes, Chuanxiong, Mint, Sophora flavescens; Shuijianbi, two charges. And needle Fengchi, Quchi, Fengshi, Weizhong. Avoid spicy meat and greasy sex. Follow-up visit every other day: the itching was slightly lighter, and the pulse was floating as before. According to the original prescription, acupuncture according to the former. After ten days of continuous treatment, I can sleep at night, but still itchy during the day, irritable and unable to eat. Dry tongue, thirst. This is because the wind medicine is dry, and the yin fluid is consumed by damp heat. Itching is light, and nourishing yin should be taken into account. Recipe: Hang chrysanthemum, Tribulus terrestris, jujube seed, Fushen, Sophora flavescens, Shouwu, Angelica, madder, Jiaozhi, dried tangerine peel; decocted in water, two or two ingredients. Continue acupuncture. Three consultations after four days: the irritability is relieved and the itching is mild, and the food tastes really good. The pulse is stringy, and the tongue is red and dry. The original side is added to the original site, and the needle is still acupuncture as before. After another week, after taking five doses of medicine, the itching became lighter. Check his arms, there are still blood scabs. This blood scab was scratched by the nails, which was more bearable than before. Still using the original recipe, Hang Ju increases the dose. Fourth diagnosis, on the third day after returning, since the menstrual period, the itching has increased again, and after scratching, there is a small rash again, and the pulse is twitching. This is due to the deficiency of blood in the meridians, and the evil of dampness and heat is multiplied by it. The prescription uses Xiaofengsan Siwu Decoction combined with addition and subtraction; Qianghuo, Fangfeng, Nepeta, Angelica, Codonopsis, Poria, Silkworm, Chuanxiong, madder, tangerine peel, Sophora flavescens, duckweed; decoction, two doses. Acupuncture and moxibustion as before. Three times in a row, taking five doses of medicine, the itching is light again. In this case, after more than three months of treatment, the blood scab began to retreat, and the menstruation gradually became normal. It is also added with Ermiao Powder to regulate the aftermath. Recipe: Atractylodes, Treats, Duckweed, Shouwu. Totally grind into powder, 6 grams per serving, take it in the morning and evening. Disclaimer: If any treatment or health care method is involved in the article, it is for reference only. If you have a friend who needs to use it, please consult a professional doctor before using it, and I will not be responsible for it. Relevant posts posted by me in WeChat group, Moments and other channels are welcome to reprint; if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.