Taking hierarchical management measures, Shandong will steadily provide medical services for the elderly living in elderly care institutions

On March 18, the Shandong Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference to introduce the situation of epidemic prevention and control.

Mu Shanyong, deputy director of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, introduced at the press conference that our province has adopted hierarchical management measures for the elderly living in elderly care institutions in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, so as to properly provide medical services for the elderly.

The first is to establish a health management account for the elderly. Strengthen body temperature detection, pay close attention to the health status of the elderly, monitor blood pressure, blood sugar and other indicators for the elderly with common chronic underlying diseases and general diseases, and take regular medicines.

Second, for elderly people with non-sudden diseases, they can be treated by in-hospital medical institutions, remote medical treatment, etc., and do not go out to seek medical treatment temporarily; for those in urgent need of medical treatment, family members or institutional staff will implement effective protection. If necessary, accompany you to the doctor in accordance with the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control, or call 120 for medical treatment in time, and check in according to the relevant requirements of local epidemic prevention and control before returning to the institution to avoid cross-infection when going out for medical treatment.

Third, for elderly people with suspicious symptoms of new coronary pneumonia, they should immediately carry out quarantine observation and closed-loop transfer to qualified medical institutions for nucleic acid testing.

At the same time, urge institutions to pay close attention to the psychological problems of the elderly, strengthen psychological counseling, and relieve the tension of the elderly through face-to-face communication with staff or video with family members, so that the elderly can adjust their emotions during the epidemic prevention and control period. Manage the disease and get through this special period safely.

The elderly are susceptible and high-risk groups of infectious diseases, especially the elderly with chronic underlying diseases. They are the key population for the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. Once infected with new coronary pneumonia, complications are likely to occur , the risk of serious illness is very high.

For the elderly, the gate must be moved forward. On the one hand, personal protection must be done well. Adhere to good living habits such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating often, gathering less, and one-meter noodles, especially when going to crowded shopping malls, supermarkets and other public places, and take personal protection. Carry out self-health monitoring every day. When symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of taste, diarrhea, etc. occur, immediately go to the nearest medical institution with a fever clinic, and truthfully inform the epidemiological history. Take personal protective measures and avoid taking public transportation during your visit.

On the other hand, get the new coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible. Elderly people who are eligible for the new coronavirus vaccination but have not completed the basic immunization should take the initiative to complete the basic immunization as soon as possible, which is usually called two injections; those who meet the requirements for booster immunization should carry out the booster vaccination as soon as possible, that is, the third injection. .

“There is a question, we elderly people are more concerned about whether patients with chronic diseases can be vaccinated against the new crown. According to experts’ opinions, if the chronic diseases have been effectively controlled by drugs and the health indicators are stable, they can be vaccinated. This Please rest assured to vaccinate the elderly, of course, you still need to pay attention to personal protection after vaccination.” Mu Shanyong said.

At the same time, Mu Shanyong reminded that to improve the vaccination rate of the elderly, in addition to optimizing service quality, ensuring vaccination safety, enriching publicity forms, and improving elderly friends’ willingness to be vaccinated, the support of each family is crucial. , I hope everyone can care and care for the elderly around you, mobilize and accompany them to get vaccinated against the new coronavirus, and jointly contribute to the health protection of the elderly.

(Reported by Dazhong Daily client reporter Xu Chen and Yu Xinyue)