Taking care of children’s eyes, what quality certification methods can do

China Youth Daily client news (China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Jiang Xiaobin) On the occasion of the “3.15” International Consumer Rights Day, the “Adoption of Quality Certification Means to Improve Children’s and Adolescents’ Vision Health Experience Exchange Meeting” was recently held in Beijing.

Statistics from the National Health Commission show that in 2020, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in my country is 52.7%; 14.3% of children, 35.6% of elementary school students, 71.1% of junior high school students, and 80.5% of high school students. The overall myopia rate in 2020 increased by 2.5 percentage points compared with 2019 (50.2%).

An Dong, Director of the Service Certification Division of the State Administration for Market Regulation, said that from an industrial perspective, insufficient supply of myopia prevention services and uneven supply quality are important practical factors restricting the prevention and control of myopia in my country.

In February 2022, the General Office of the Ministry of Education, the General Office of the National Health and Health Commission, and the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the “Notice on Further Regulating Campus Vision Testing and Myopia Prevention and Control Services” ( The Department of Education, Sports and Arts Letter [2022] No. 4) clearly stated that “it is strictly forbidden for unqualified institutions to enter the school to carry out vision testing; use quality certification methods to promote the prevention and control of myopia, actively carry out certification work such as optometry services, and improve myopia prevention and control related products. Quality and Vision Health Service Levels”.

Wan Li, Director of the Office of the Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, introduced that there are 150,000 optician institutions across the country, and their abilities and qualities vary greatly. The core of the certification work is to solve the problem of information asymmetry. Through service certification, the service capacity of the institution will be improved, and the visual health level of children and adolescents will be greatly improved.

Zhong Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation, said that at present, myopia in children and adolescents in my country is showing a trend of high incidence and younger age. More companies understand and participate in quality certification, which will better help the implementation of myopia prevention and control.

Source: China Youth Daily Client