Taiwan added 76,500 local confirmed cases today, with 145 new deaths and 2 more children with severe encephalitis

The local epidemic of new coronary pneumonia in Taiwan continues, with 76,539 new local cases and 66 imported cases on the island today. There were 145 new deaths, a new high.

There are 76,539 new local cases today, 36,087 males, 40,431 females, In the 21 investigations, the age ranged from under 5 years old to over 90 years old. The cases were distributed in New Taipei City (14,848 cases), Kaohsiung City (9,563 cases), Taoyuan City (9,379 cases), Taichung City (8,959 cases), and Taipei City (7,402 cases), Tainan City (5,913 cases), Changhua County (3,882 cases), Pingtung County (2,554 cases), Hsinchu County (1,976 cases), Hsinchu City (1,699 cases), Miaoli County (1,667 cases), Yilan County (1,558 cases), Keelung City (1,216 cases), Hualien County (1,112 cases), Yunlin County (1,059 cases), Nantou County (999 cases), Chiayi County (955 cases), Taitung County (858 cases), Chiayi City (527 cases), Penghu County (204 cases), Kinmen County (179 cases), Matsu (30 cases), and related epidemic investigations are continuing.

Another 378 new cases of moderate and severe cases were added, including 244 cases of moderate disease and 134 cases of severe disease. Among the severe cases, two more children were added, a one-year-old girl and a six-year-old boy, both of whom were suspected of encephalitis.

There were 145 new deaths from local cases today, including 81 males and 64 females, aged in their 30s to over 90 years old, all of which were severe infections, 136 with a history of chronic diseases, 70 cases without vaccination. The date of diagnosis is from April 28 to May 26, 2022, and the date of death is from May 10 to May 26. Luo Yijun, deputy head of the medical response team, said that of the 145 deaths, 102 people were not fully vaccinated with three doses of the vaccine, and 95 people were over 80 years old. Among them, a man in his 30s with a history of chronic kidney disease, who had received two doses of the vaccine, died of pneumonia and septic shock.

In severe cases, two more children were added. Among them, a one-year-old girl had no history of chronic diseases. He developed a fever on May 25, and the test was positive on May 26. He went to the emergency room on the same day and was evaluated by the doctor as suitable for returning home, but he had generalized convulsions on the way home and was sent back to the emergency room. At that time, there was a change of consciousness, respiratory distress and emergency intubation. The clinical diagnosis was suspected encephalitis, and there was slight brain swelling on computed tomography.

The case was treated with anti-epileptic drugs, immune globulin, steroids and other drugs. He regained consciousness on May 27, removed the respirator, and was transferred to the general ward. There is currently no fever, and the vital signs are stable without the need for oxygen.

Another six-year-old boy with no history of chronic medical conditions. He developed a fever on May 21, and took medicine at home after taking a test at the hospital for diagnosis. However, his appetite and vitality decreased. On May 24, he developed convulsions all over the body. He was admitted to the intensive care unit and diagnosed with suspected encephalitis. On May 25, he was intubated using a respirator, and was extubated on May 27. He is currently being treated with a high-flow oxygen nasal cannula. Remdesivir, immunoglobulins, steroids, immunomodulators and other drug treatments have been used.

At present, 22 severe cases in children, including 11 cases of encephalitis, 6 cases of pneumonia, 2 cases of sepsis, 1 case of asthma, 1 case of death at home, and 1 case of comorbid brain tumor. Child deaths remained at 10, with five cases of encephalitis, two cases of pneumonia, one case of sepsis, one death at home, and one case of comorbid brain tumor.

However, there is also good news for severe cases of children. Luo Yijun said that of the six children with encephalitis still under treatment, five cases have been extubated to remove the respirator, and their condition has improved.