Taiwan added 1,199 local confirmed cases on the 16th, and the first severe case of the new crown in a child appeared

Source: China Taiwan Network

The first severe case of COVID-19 in children in Taiwan. (The picture comes from the Internet)

According to Taiwan’s “Zhongshi News Network” report, the Taiwan Epidemic Command Center announced on the 16th that there were 1,351 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia on the island, 1,199 local cases respectively. And 152 imported cases from abroad, with more than 1,000 new local cases in a single day for two consecutive days.

In addition, the newly confirmed cases include 1 severe case, a 2-year-old boy, which is also the first confirmed case of severe childhood in the island. According to reports, the boy was admitted to the intensive care unit immediately after being diagnosed on April 14. He is currently in serious condition and is being treated with all-out efforts. It is reported that the boy has not been vaccinated against the new crown.

Up to now, there have been 33,205 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia on the island, including 9,600 imported cases and 23,551 local cases. A total of 854 deaths have been recorded so far in 2020. (China Taiwan Network Yin Sainan)