Tai’an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital conducts critical value reporting system and process training

Correspondent Zhang Nan

In order to smoothly promote the hospital’s top three review work, ensure patient safety, and improve the hospital’s medical quality level, on the afternoon of May 24th, Tai’an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Conduct training on critical value reporting system and procedures in the conference room on the sixth floor of Renhe Building. This training was lectured by Luan Xiuzhen from the Medical Department, and relevant personnel from various clinical and medical technology departments participated in the training.

At the training meeting, Luan Xiuzhen introduced the concept of “critical value” by sharing a case, that is, in the process of clinical diagnosis, patient inspection, The test results deviate greatly from the normal expected value, indicating that the patient may be on the verge of danger, and if not handled in time, the patient’s life may be endangered at any time. Let every medical worker always keep in mind the importance of “critical value” in clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Then, she described in detail the “critical value” report handling process, from the medical technology department to find critical value, conduct a review, report it to the medical staff in the clinical department, and notify the doctor in charge and the doctor on duty in the clinical department. Take appropriate remedial measures and record them in detail in the entire course of the disease record. “Critical value” from discovery to report to rapid disposal reflects the key to medical staff’s theoretical knowledge and practical operation, and it is also a difficult problem to test the communication between clinical and medical technology departments.

Taian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has always attached great importance to the standardized development of the “critical value reporting system and process”. Zhang Kaigang, secretary of the party committee and president, required that the critical value reporting system and process should be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the top three review. A unified critical value register should be formulated, the coverage of critical value items should be comprehensive, and reporting, registration and recording should be standardized.

Through this training, clinicians and medical technicians have further clarified the critical value management system and reporting process, and strengthened the medical staff’s understanding of the standardization and importance of clinical inspection critical value reporting. At the same time, various adverse events can be detected as early as possible, and necessary preventive and control measures can be taken in a timely manner, which will play a positive role in improving the quality of medical care and ensuring medical safety.