Tableware and chopsticks washed with detergent every day are equivalent to “eating poison”? How many times did it leave no residue?

Lao Cui recently had a problem with hair loss. In order to cover it, he put on a hat. As a result, friends around him reminded him: Wearing a hat is more prone to hair loss and baldness! After hearing this, Lao Cui hesitated again. Is this statement true? What is the cause of hair loss? How to prevent hair loss?

male hormones may affect hair loss

wearing a hat for hair loss is a question that many people will consider, especially when they find that wearing a hat When I took off the hat all day, I found that some hairs also fell off, and some people began to panic, especially girls, who were afraid of hair loss. But in fact, simply wearing a hat will not make a person lose hair or go bald, because hair loss involves many factors, including genetic and hormonal changes. Wearing a hat will only make your hair flat or messy, and we all naturally lose hair every day, so it is not a problem to lose some hair when taking off the hat. Modern medical circles believe that the main cause of hair loss is dihydrogen Testosterone (referred to as DHT), which is a very important hormone for cultivating male sexual characteristics, people allergic to it will have the problem of continuous shrinkage of hair follicles, hair loss and even baldness in the long run.

Wearing hats is related to hair loss

Generally speaking, we don’t wear hats too tightly, which will affect the scalp. Stress, but if a person does not take off the hat for a long time, and wears it every day, this tension may lead to symptoms of itching and inflammation of the hair follicles. Clinically, there are individual cases where the salt in sweat caused scalp inflammation due to wearing hats, which in turn led to hair loss.

In addition, pay attention to the materials and dyes used to make the hat. If the scalp has an allergic reaction to these materials and pigments, the hair may also start to fall out due to inflammation. And if the patient has a genetic gene for hair loss, wearing the hat too tightly may accelerate the process of hair loss because the hair follicles don’t get enough oxygen to maintain normal function.

Of course, if you don’t wear a hat 24 hours a day, take off your hat when you sweat, and clean your head and hat regularly, the problem of hair loss does not exist.

Don’t panic if you lose your hair! Check to see 11 kinds of hair loss reasons you have?

In addition to everyone’s concern about hair loss when wearing hats, many people have problems with seasonal hair loss, shower hair loss, and comb hair loss. These may not be the main reasons for hair loss. So, what are the reasons for hair loss? ?

Human hair has both a growth phase and a resting phase. When some hairs enter the resting phase, some hairs will enter the growing phase, allowing the scalp to maintain a certain amount of hair. There are many reasons that affect the growth rate of hair, let’s take a look:

1. After surgery and recovery period

Any accident or disease Temporary hair loss may occur during recovery from surgery. The hair growth cycle is divided into growth phase, catagen phase and telogen phase. If there is a major accident, it will affect the hair cycle and cause the hair to enter the shedding stage. Hair loss usually becomes apparent 3-6 months after trauma, especially.

However, the hair follicles are not dead at this time, and they enter the resting period like hibernation. After the basic problems of the body such as stress are relieved or the disease is relieved, the hair can regrow. Chemotherapy patients and pregnancy alopecia belong to this category.

2. Hormone imbalance

After giving birth, women are prone to hair loss due to hormone changes in their bodies, but this usually occurs within a few months. improve. Hormone changes during menopause may also cause hair loss, and hair follicles will shrink during this period, so you need to go to a dermatologist early.

3. Genetic hair loss

About two-thirds of men in their 60s Hair loss occurs at age. Hair loss in men will make the hairline appear M-shaped, usually caused by genetic inheritance and male hormones, and women also have this type of hair loss problem, but unlike men, women’s hairline does not recede, but It is the thinning of the hair volume and the thinning of the roots.

4. Excessive intake of vitamin A

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, taking too much vitamin A-containing nutritional supplements or medicines may lead to lead to hair loss. You can control the intake to improve, reduce the excess vitamin A, and the hair will return to normal growth.

5. Lack of protein

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, if there is not enough protein in the diet, the body will stop hair growth to store protein. This usually occurs after 2-3 months of reducing protein intake, and improvement requires more high-quality protein, including beans, fish, meat and eggs.

6. Emotional stress

Emotional stress can lead to temporary hair loss, such as in the event of a serious illness, going through a divorce, the death of a loved one, or caring for an elderly parent .

7, anemia, iron deficiency

Among women aged 20-49, many People suffer from anemia due to iron deficiency. Symptoms include easy fatigue, headache, dizziness, pale skin, and cold hands and feet. You can eat more black sesame seeds, black beans and other iron supplements. If you are not sure whether you have anemia, you can go to the hospital for testing.

8. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism means that the secretion of thyroxine is insufficient. The thyroid gland is located in the neck and produces thyroid hormones that are important for metabolism and growth and development. Hormones, when not enough hormones can cause hair loss.

9. Lack of B vitamins

vitaminMany B vitamins are related to hair growth. Vitamin B6 can prevent hair loss and promote the absorption of zinc; when vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and folic acid work together, they can form hemoglobin and provide oxygen to the scalp. Found in meat, eggs, liver, nuts and green vegetables.

10. Immune system

The problem of hair loss commonly known as “ghost shaving” is a short-term hair loss phenomenon. There are many reasons for this kind of hair loss. Among them, the immune system disorder is caused by the patient’s white blood cells, for unknown reasons, that the hair is regarded as a foreign object, so it mistakenly attacks the hair follicle cells, so that the hair cannot grow and many localized baldness is formed.

11. Drugs and Chemotherapy

Including chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment, blood thinners , beta-blockers used to control blood pressure, and birth control pills can all cause temporary hair loss. Targeted drugs to treat cancer destroy rapidly dividing cells such as cancer cells as well as hair cells, leading to hair loss problems.

In general, men are born with a higher risk of hair loss than women, but women also have many triggers for hair loss, such as frequent perming, washing too often, and braids that are too tight. Hair becomes brittle or falls out. So, what can you do to prevent hair loss?

Several tips to effectively prevent hair loss

After understanding the reasons for hair loss, is there any way to prevent hair loss? There are really 7 ways to improve daily:

1. Choose the right hair-cleaning products

To keep the scalp healthy, oil balance is the key first, So it is very important to choose the shampoo and hair care products that are suitable for you. For example, you can choose a refreshing shampoo for oily scalp. When choosing, you may wish to pay attention to the ingredients of the shampoo, which are mainly degreasing and cleansing ingredients, and should not be added excessively. But remember not to let your scalp dry out too much, it will produce more oil instead.

2. Reduce the use of chemicals to perm and dye hair

Use a styling curling iron, or ion perm , can easily lead to hair breakage or fall out. If necessary, move every 10 seconds or so. If you hear the hissing sound of the appliance when you perm your hair, the temperature is too high and your hair is being damaged. It is recommended to apply heat protection spray first when using styling tools to reduce damage to the hair. Some people use chemicals to straighten or lighten their hair, which can seriously damage hair and scalp health.

3. Avoid pulling hair

Women’s hair loss is usually caused by improper styling or combing methods, it is recommended to choose a brush with more elastic combing , and also avoid combing your hair when it is wet, so as not to damage the hair texture and excessively pull the hair, causing breakage or damage. Additionally, tight ponytails, braids, and other styling techniques that pull at the roots can lead to hair loss.

4. Balanced nutrition

A balanced diet can also help keep hair strong and shiny, such as Iron, magnesium, zinc mineral elements and protein are all important for hair growth. Eating more Omega-3-containing foods, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel, as well as flaxseed oil, walnuts, and almonds, are all beneficial for skin, hair, and nail health. In addition, vitamin B6, which is rich in bananas, potatoes, and spinach, and vitamin B12, which is found in meat, fish, and dairy products, are all helpful for long hair.

5. Massage the scalp moderately

Daily massage the scalp during shampooing or after hair care to promote blood circulation of the scalp and stimulate hair growth. Slowly and in a circular motion around your entire head, the pulp of your fingers can be relieved of stress and regenerated at the same time.

6. Drug treatment

Mainly for male pattern baldness patients, taking certain drugs, such as Baofazhi, etc., or applying drugs to achieve control condition, and even improve the effect of hair loss.