Sweat is the most natural skin care product, 5 tricks to teach you a healthy sweat

After falling into the ambush, hot weather always makes people sweat profusely, and the smell of sweat is also embarrassing, so people have come up with various tricks to avoid sweating: long Time to stay in an air-conditioned room, excessive and frequent use of antiperspirant, shower immediately after sweating…

Sweat glands are the body’s own” air conditioner”. Many people are troubled by colds, skin diseases, insomnia, etc. in summer, but they did not expect that less sweating makes these problems come to the door.

You must know that cold in winter and hot in summer are the laws of nature. Sweat is the natural maintenance of the human body.

benefits ↓

  • Sweat is the excretion route of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and other harmful substances in the body One, so sweating is the best way to detoxify and prevent cancer.

  • Sweat can effectively enhance one’s own immunity and improve the ability of antibacterial and antiviral.

  • Summer is indigestion and loss of appetite. A moderate amount of sweating can speed up the body’s metabolism, help intestinal peristalsis and improve digestion.

  • Exercise and sweating can help lower blood pressure.

  • Sweat is conducive to the effective retention of calcium, preventing calcium from being excreted in the urine and preventing osteoporosis.

Learn to sweat healthily

is the best health care for dog days


Drink hot water, hot porridge before exercise

< span>Drink a cup of hot water or hot porridge before exercising, so that the pores are half-open. After exercising for a period of time, the pores will be fully opened, and the sweat will be completely open. But don’t catch a cold after exercising and wait patiently for the sweat to subside.

Use ginger to promote sweating

Those who work in an air-conditioned environment can insist on drinking some ginger water, such as tea and ginger slices soaked in water, ginger red dates water, etc. Promote perspiration.


Foot soaks and sweating

People who have been working in office buildings for a long time can also achieve the same effect by taking a bath or soaking their feet after returning home. Bathing or soaking your feet in a water temperature of about 40°C is good for your body to sweat and relieve fatigue.


15 minutes of sun

Summer sunlight is the best motivation for the human body to actively sweat gradually activated.


Sweating in summer is a gift from God Our natural health care method, everyone must make good use of it, get out of your comfort zone, sweat a little, and “bath” your whole body~

However, Chinese medicine believes that “blood and sweat have the same origin”, excessive sweating will damage body fluid and consume qi and blood, so sweating should be moderate.

Note: Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific treatment and medication!

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  • Editor: Xu Yang