Suzhou under the epidemic: there is a deep meaning behind the word “stable”, Suzhou, February 24th “The first batch of 4 patients with new coronary pneumonia in this round of epidemic in Suzhou were cured and discharged.” On the morning of the 24th, this news broke the “circle of friends of Suzhou people” “. For Suzhou under the epidemic, this is undoubtedly good news to boost.

On the afternoon of the 24th, Suzhou City held the 11th press conference for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. 1 new confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia, common type, from the screening of isolation control personnel.

As of 15:00 on the 24th, a total of 107 confirmed cases (including 27 ordinary cases and 80 mild cases) and 30 asymptomatic infections have been reported in this round of epidemic. The risk of community transmission of the epidemic in the city is gradually reduced.

The risk of community transmission of the epidemic in Suzhou is gradually decreasing. Gu Haidong said that according to the latest situation of the epidemic, according to the principles of precision and necessity, if there is no emergency, large-scale regional nucleic acid testing will not be considered.

When the epidemic situation improves, the resumption of work and production in Suzhou has become the focus of outside attention. This strong manufacturing and foreign trade city plays an important role in China’s economic map.

“As of February 22, the resumption rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in the city has exceeded 99%, and the resumption rate of employees has exceeded 95%. Compared with previous years, the resumption of work after the holiday this year is generally normal.” Suzhou Wan Li, director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said.

“At present, the production and operation of more than 30,000 foreign-funded foreign trade enterprises in Suzhou are generally normal.” Sun Jianjiang, director of the Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, revealed that now, there are 11 foreign-funded foreign trade enterprises in Suzhou Industrial Park, Wuzhong District and Xiangcheng District. Businesses with positive cases are shut down.

This group of data conveys a message: Suzhou has stabilized.

But this “stable” is not waiting, but is done.

Conscientious medical staff, hard-working volunteers, dedicated social workers, and many unsung heroes from all walks of life, they are racing against time and fighting the virus. Behind them, the daily life of Suzhou citizens is basically stable.

In response to the epidemic, companies in Suzhou are taking action.

On the 22nd, the Suzhou Industrial Park Biomedical Industrial Park quickly built a mobile rapid nucleic acid detection laboratory, which ran an “acceleration” to improve the nucleic acid detection capability of the park.

Up to now, two mobile rapid nucleic acid detection laboratories have been built and operated in the Biomedical Industrial Park of Suzhou Industrial Park, plus three nucleic acid detection laboratories of Jiinga, Tianhao Medical and Kenuo Medical, which are enterprises in the park. With the normal operation of the laboratory, the maximum daily test volume in the park exceeds 150,000 tubes, and the daily average test report issued exceeds 1.5 million person-times.

The reporter walked into the production workshop of Mando Chassis Components (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and saw a busy scene. The company’s current resumption rate is nearly 100%. “Our sales target for this year is 4.8 billion yuan. The order volume in the first quarter has increased by about 25% compared with the same period last year, and we are confident in completing the annual sales target.” The relevant person in charge of Mando Chassis Components (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. introduced , Since the outbreak of the current round of the epidemic, the company has effectively stepped up its epidemic prevention and control measures.

In the face of the epidemic, the public’s mentality is changing. “When the epidemic first broke out, I was very panicked. When I ordered vegetables and fruits on various platforms, it showed that they were replenishing. After three days, I saw that vegetables and fruits on various platforms were basically available at any time, so I was not in a hurry. Reserve.” Ms. Li, who lives in the south of the Huayu Jiangnan in Suzhou Industrial Park, said that everyone is very peaceful now.

Behind the change is the big data “magic calculation” to ensure the supply of people’s livelihood. In the era of digital economy, Suzhou seizes the opportunity to take the lead in the “new track” and “main track”. The rapid development of the digital economy industry involves various economic and social fields and the whole process of development.

It is reported that Suzhou will issue opinions soon to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and speed up the restoration of production and living order.

Author Zhou Jianlin