Suzhou City Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine starts to make appointments for the diagnosis and treatment of winter diseases in summer

[Source: Gusu Evening News]

News from this newspaper (Reporter Li Jing) In order to improve the health of citizens and inherit the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, before the dog days of dog days, the traditional Chinese and Western medicine in Suzhou Combined with the hospital, the characteristic projects of winter disease and summer treatment – Moxibustion on the Governor Vessel and Moxibustion for Invigorating Temperature and Yang Moxibustion have been launched.

The dog days are the hottest, humid and sultry times of the year. At this time, yang qi is vented, qi and blood tend to be on the surface of the body, the skin is slackened, and the pores are opened. At this time, summer treatment for winter diseases is carried out. , The use of drugs to penetrate the skin and stimulate acupuncture points can play the role of dredging the meridians, regulating the internal organs, warming the yang and benefiting the qi, and dispelling the phlegm. As a characteristic summer treatment program for winter diseases in Suzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Dumai moxibustion and warm-up yang moxibustion have benefited more than 1,000 patients so far.

In recent years, the Department of Geriatrics of Suzhou Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital has developed the Governor Vessel Moxibustion and Warming Yang Moxibustion by combining the theory of meridians and collaterals and the pharmacological effects of moxibustion. Compared with the traditional moxa stick moxibustion, the governor vessel moxibustion has a large amount of moxa velvet, longer moxibustion treatment time, and a wider range of medicinal smoke.

This year, there are 40 dog days in total, of which the first fall is from July 16 to July 25, the middle fall is from July 26 to August 14, and the last fall is from August 15 to 8 On the 24th of March, during the dog days, I received a treatment related to winter disease and summer treatment once every 10 days, 4 times in a row for 3 years, and the effect is better. People with arthralgia, low back pain, sub-health status, or chronic diarrhea, gynecological diseases, and male sexual insufficiency can make an appointment with the hospital to carry out moxibustion on the Governor Vessel and Moxibustion for Invigorating Qi and Yang.

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