Surgical robots help the anorectal surgery team of Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital successfully “save the anus” for patients with rectal cancer

News from the New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net, and Nanguo Metropolis Daily on February 27 (Reporter Wang Hongxu, intern Yin Tianshu) For patients with ultra-low rectal cancer, if the anus can be preserved, the postoperative quality of life will be affected. little. Recently, the anorectal surgery team of Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital, with the help of the fourth-generation Da Vinci robotic surgery system, successfully saved the anus for many patients with ultra-low rectal cancer, bringing hope to the patients’ lives.

Director Cai Guohao’s team used Da Vinci surgical robot and ISR technology to carry out radical resection of rectal cancer for patients. Photo courtesy of the hospital

Mr. Huang, 40 years old this year, went to a local hospital for 2 years of blood in the stool. He was diagnosed with hemorrhoids and underwent hemorrhoidectomy. The postoperative pathology showed rectal adenocarcinoma. Subsequently, Mr. Huang went to the Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital for medical treatment. Cai Guohao, director of the anorectal surgery department of the hospital, conducted a comprehensive evaluation. The patient’s rectal tumor had been partially removed, and the location was relatively close to the anus, only 4cm.

If it is removed according to the traditional radical rectal resection, it may be necessary to remove the anus and perform a permanent colostomy, an artificial anus. Considering that the patient is in his prime and is the mainstay of the family, resection of the anus will undoubtedly reduce the quality of life in the future, both for the patient himself and the entire family. Patients also have a strong desire to preserve anus.

To this end, Cai Guohao chose the fourth-generation Da Vinci robotic system, combined with the “ISR” technology, and performed a standard radical resection of rectal cancer for the patient with the assistance of the anesthesiology department, which was successful. to save the anus. Postoperatively, the patient recovered well.

For a long time, in the face of patients with low rectal cancer, many surgeons can only choose to remove the anus and perineum, combined with radical rectal cancer surgery, which undoubtedly reduces the postoperative life of the patients. Quality, both physically and psychologically, is a great pain. Today, the da Vinci surgical robot has a unique naked eye 3D field of view, larger magnification, more precise and more flexible operation advantages; it can maximize the accurate free and complete abdominal path in the transsphincterectomy of low rectal cancer. Reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract through the abdominal route.

“The fourth-generation Da Vinci robot combined with ‘ISR’ technology will bring good news to patients with ultra-low rectal cancer in Hainan.” Cai Guohao said that he hoped that through continuous learning, improvement and application of this technology , to benefit more patients and bring more accurate and safer surgical services to patients with gastrointestinal tumors in the province.

Editor in charge: Chen Qianrou